
Just set up BOINC yesterday. Currently working on the Einstein@Home project, which is computing information received by LIGO searching space for gravitational waves. I love the 3D render of what I assume is what as been computed by everybody so far. I'm not sure what the payouts will be as I haven't finished any tasks yet, currently working on 5 at about 63% complete. I am very excited to be participating and when I get a new comp, hopefully soon here, I will be adding more projects also.

Thank you for sharing!! That is so fucking cool that you found a radio pulsar! Not only that, but you were personally thanked and received a certificate for it? That is awesome. The GRC payouts will be cool but if I find something and I get that same treatment I think that would have been enough on its own.

I am not surprised one bit that this is the most popular project on the BOINC network with the recent gravity wave discoveries. I think I'm going to get real serious about GRC, this is one of the best ideas I have ever heard and I love what it is helping to provide to the world. I'm following you now, I can't wait to see what else is going on with these projects and others, and GRC in general.

If your primary interest is science and scientific discoveries, you should also consider Primegrid. With powerful hardware, you can discover some new, large prime-numbers fairly quickly.

I guess theoretically it could take care of it, so why not. I don't trust Trump and the rest of the government would take care of it anyhow right, so why should they have the money?

I'm also looking at a smaller (it seems) coin that's called SolarCoin and is for spreading and investing in the growth of solarpower. Will be interesting to follow all of these novel ideas about how to change the world, that don't necessarily involve taxation and state subsidies. Blockchain CoAgorism really could change the world in a tremendous (yuge) way.

A little off-topic here but WOW - such an strong vote. $3.28 from one vote, now that's something.

On-topic: Is gridcoin something to look at for the future? What are it's fundamentals? Any help will be appreciated.

In my opinion it's rally worth looking at gridcoin. Gridcoin has got a stable community and a good working product (Gridcoin is the sixtieth fastest supercomputer in the world/
The community really believes in Gridcoin and holds it even if the price goes down.
And you have the good feeling you contributed to science.
For me Gridcoin is the best coin :)
But have a look yourself.

Good feelings do count. =) The science part is awesome too. I must profess however, that I personally found it too confusing to set up mining.

Stick at it, it's not too bad IMO :P

The community really believes into the coin and holds it even if the price goes down.

Thats easy. Holding when the price goes up tenfold in a few weeks, thats the hard part :D

Ha ha too true @lennstar!

Here's one big upvote for you :)
Yes, I invested early, but there are far bigger whales than me, check here:

Regarding Gridcoin, it's one of the hottest coins right now. To put it simply: you compute for science and get paid - imagine the rate of scientific progress we could achieve with a large enough marketcap. Gridcoin is the only coin rewarding BOINC computations and there are 4.3 million registered BOINC users out there, nuff said.

This will bring you up to speed:

WOW. Thank you both for the info. I am reading the links you left me right now. And haha, I had no idea such a thing exists. As soon as I have more information put together, and basically gain some experience around here, I will start posting more quality content.
I really wanted for a long time to be a part of such a motivated community and I am so happy I joined. I wish both of you all the best, followed both - keep in touch.

Pretty crazy that some of the biggest whales have 0 posts still.. perhaps they're posting with alternative accounts..

Hello, I read your post, have never heard of gridcoin- will research it now due to your info. Also enjoyed the posted links. I will follow you, keeping watch for further posts. Thank you

Feel free to stop by my page any time...
The more the better... I like Trump...

His neck looks like an old ladies vagina.

LOVE this INTENTION !!! - )))

VortaC .. in the coming weeks, i'll BE shaRING a 'grass ROOTs' science initiative ... that i see as an "ASSET" the wHOLE "D.gital C.urrency C.ommUNITY" ( DCC ) .. can r-ALL-y aROUND !!! - )))

A SELF FUN-DED ALTRUISTIC "initiative " ... that promotes ingenuity, creativity ... across ALL demo-graphics "AND" expertise LeVeL'S .... while bridging the GaP BEtWEen ... an EpiphanY and the Manife-statioN -)))

... i'd LOVE your 'feed-back' when i preSENT IT ?? - ))
... i'm ap.preciating yOUR perspective - ))
... and the reSponse(S) of yOUR listeners - ))

Ohhh ... this COMM-UNITY is BUZZING !!! - ))
... genius has SUCH a "M-AG(NET)IS-M" !!! - )))

... ha ha )))

greb'Z )

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