What is your favorite most undervalued crypto you currently HODL and why? Help me invest!

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hey people

I have some money to invest and I am looking for new coins to expand my small portofolio. So my ears are open to suggestions. Please tell me what is your most favorite crypto that you believe is going to boom and why! If you make good points I will surely invest some money. Please no shitcoins :)

To start the conversation I will tell you about mine, which is Gridcoin. In short, the reasons I believe it's gonna boom are:
- Most people that learn more about Gridcoin get hooked up instantly. After all, it's the only one to help treat cancer aids and other ailments, solve complex mathematical problems, decode ww2, discover aliens through SETI etc 
- It's currently the most popular coin from the fews ones that directly benefit humanity. Other competitors include fodlingcoin and curecoin but gridcoin does what they do and much more
- The community grows more and more by the day and so does the price.  Reddit, steemit, telegram, Slack Group grow bigger each and every day.
- Up until recently the only marketting behind gridcoin was the result of  word of mouth but now there is a dedicated marketting team that promotes the coin.
- It's one of the oldest cryptocoins that is still here. And as long as there is BOINC there is gonna be gridcoin.


Apart from Gridcoin, SolarCoin is my other big investment. The idea is to incentivise clean energy production without the need for government incentives. It's a POS v2 coin with 2% staking rewards, and each 1MWh of solar energy produced is awarded with 1SLR. I have written a few posts about it on steemit, the EU like it, as do the UN and there are a bunch of us that go to crypto and tech conferences talking about it.
A side project electricchain.org are busy making a way to have every solar producer be able to log their energy generation to the SolarCoin blockchain, I actually created the first PoC Raspberry Pi datalogging device that can do that. This data does not exist anywhere today, as such it could become very valuable. The energy sector in general is a big opportunity area for block-chain.
SolarCoin does not compete with other incentives, so there us no reason for people not to claim it, the value should come from broad distribution and network effects.
Crypto investors worry that the SolarCoin Foundation will crash the price as the coin was premined, but this was necessary to make the coin low power usage and to be able to grant the SLR to solar generators; if it's a scam they certainly waited a long time, the coin has been out for over 3 years.

Haha I Have already invested some money on solarcoin a few days ago thanks to your posts 😂😂😂

Cool, I think many people dont like government incentives for solar, SolarCoin solves for that.

I forgot to mention Lykke, you might have just missed the price break though https://steemit.com/lykke/@scalextrix/lykke-liftoff

Αξιζει να ριξεις μια ματια ANS/NEO, STRATIS, SYS , το Steem θα εχει λιγο δραμα τωρα..αλλα ετσι παει το τροπαριο εδω..λολ ! Κανε πρωτα την ερευνα σου και μετα μπορουμε να τα συζητησουμε ! :)

Καλή φάση θα τα τσεκαρω όλα :)

Safecoin sounds like a good one once it's in beta, it would be a POC like burst but in a different way MaidSafe

Steem, Litecoin, Dogecoin, FunFair. Whys, it's undervalued, it's benefits, it's fun, it's also fun by name.

Funfair? First time to hear about it. Sounds like fun 🤔🤔😂😂I will have a look

Καθώς πειραματίζομαι με μικροtrades έχω καμιά 10αρια στην κατοχή μου σε αυτά που πιστεύω είναι slr sxc sys el(αγόρασα ανέβηκε πούλησα και σκέφτομαι να ξαναγοράσω) επίσης υπάρχει το hnc (Ελληνικό κρυπτονόμισμα) μονό και μονό καταγωγής αγόρασα μερικά, τα άλλα δεν τα αναφέρω καν.

This post has received a 1.50 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @trumpman.

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