Gridcoin: GRC Staking Increased Since the Upgrade

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

I wanted to follow up on my post from last week about the number of GRC staking since the upgrade to

I had not reached a conclusion then and so I feel its reasonable to repost on the subject, but Im not going to do this weekly, I promise.

Without further flim-flam, lets take a look at the results for the last 7,000 blocks:


Number of addresses that are staking

Slightly down from the last two results at 2215, maybe we saw a slight bulge around the upgrade which is natural I suppose as people brought wallets online for the upgrade

Number of GRC staking

148 Million GRC; A bit (5 million GRC is a bit apparently!) down from last week at 153 Million GRC, but still way higher than the first week at 104 Million GRC from before the upgrade


Im ready to call it, you'll notice this time I described it as an upgrade, and I do really think it is. Gridcoin just got significantly harder to attack over the last few weeks, because more GRC is online and staking more of the time.


I have started to stack

i wanna start real soon too

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