Pool updates

in #gridcoin6 years ago

There are two new updates: email alerts on task error and feedback page.

Email alerts

Pool can send you email alert if tasks completed by you marked as invalid. You can enable this report from settings tab: https://gridcoinpool.ru/#settings

Invalid statuses for BOINC tasks:

  • Validate error
  • Error while computing
  • Error while downloading
  • Completed, marked as invalid
  • Completed, too late to validate
  • Not started by deadline - canceled
  • Timed out - no response

Normal statuses for BOINC tasks:

  • Aborted
  • Cancelled by server
  • Completed and validated
  • In progress
  • Abandoned
  • Aborted by user
  • Completed, waiting for validation
  • Completed, validation inconclusive
  • Completed and validated (1st)

With that setting you can relatively quickly found if something going wrong with your BOINCing.

Feedback page

You can use https://grc.arikado.ru/#message_send for sending any feedback for pool. Or just send message for me. May be you want some function for pool. May be you want to know something. May be you want to fix or improve something. Just write it here. And click 'send'.

Things I want to know (if you need theme to write me):

  • Do you need user/host rating? Should it be voluntary-enabled (user should press some checkbox to be included), voluntary-disabled (user should press some checkbox to be excluded) or forced for all?
  • Do you need password recovery, 2FA, more email reports?

Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards volunteer computing performed upon the BOINC platform in a decentralized manner on top of proof of stake.

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a distributed Internet platform launched beginning of 2002 and rewards participants with credits for performed work. BOINC is an application available for multiple Operating Systems and utilises the unused CPU and GPU cycles on computers to perform scientific work.

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