I'm back baby! Back and ready to BOINC!

in #gridcoin7 years ago



Let me start off by saying I am a dumbass... Not just a little one. A colossal dumbass...
No seriously:


A little background might be in order. I joined Steemit in May of 2017 and along the way learned of Gridcoin and the Gridcoin community here on Steemit. I even made some posts and was graciously upvoted by the likes of @dutch and @vortac. A special mention should also go out to @jedigeiss who showed me how to get my mobile devices to contribute to BOINC.

At the time I had an ancient GTX 450 GPU and consequently I never got much further than 1 Gridocoin per day. Still, I was excited to be contributing to projects like Einstein@home, LHC and World Community Grid.
Then... Then... I upgraded my ancient 450 to a Gigabyte GTX 1060 6GB and was very excited to see what it could do. I installed the very shiny new GPU and hit the BOINC manager button expecting magic.. And then it did nothing...


Please remember that this was the end of October 2017... I (thought) I tried everything but every time I tried to get BOINC manager to do it's thing I got the error message "BOINC client is not running". I tried reinstalling BOINC. I tried reinstalling the GRC wallet. Nothing... Eventually I thought it was my OS acting up and was on the verge of reinstalling Windows and then EVERYTHING else just to get it working.

Today, 17 January 2018, I happened to go over to mt BOINC installation folder for one last try before I wipe the whole damn OS and what do I see? An .exe file called boinc.exe. I double-clicked it and lo and behold everything worked again.

So... I am very excited to see what my "new" GPU can do when unleashed on the Gridcoin network.
My apologies to Team Gridcoin for being such a dumbass...

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


No need to call yourself a dumbass!
Welcome back. Looking forward to see some of your boinc statistics!

Thanks @grider123. No... It was a rookie mistake but it at seems to be running again. I managed to hook up World Community Grid last night and it was running nicely. I just have to connect to grcpool now and let the BOINC flow.

Don't be so hard on yourself. IOne day I wiped a computer clean with
a Windows install. Thinking it would fix a major problem. Turn out to be my wifi consumed more gigs then the monthly plans. So the Internet speed came to a crawl. Lost acess to steemit for awile and my first small amounts attempts at mining. Small mistakes happen in life.

They certainly do... I've figured it out now at least. My BOINC client doesn't auto initialize on startup for some reason. I suspect it's do to my antivirus. Chromodo seems to hate mining apps with a passion!

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