Gridcoin weekly project update - 15/May/18

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

Here is another weekly Gridcoin project update where I look at the project chart developments and highlight an interesting aspect. Today I will be looking at the BOINC Pentathlon 2018 on Numberfields@home .

Annually SETI Germany organises the BOINC Pentathlon and this year it started on May 5th. BOINC teams compete against each other on a number of disciplines/projects. Although Team Gridcoin is not participating, the event does have an impact on the team RAC vs Overall RAC % chart. If you take for example the team RAC participation % for Numberfields@home (this year's main project), it went from 95% to 42% in only 2 week's time (see chart below).

(Data source: BOINCStats)

To show why this has happened, I have created a chart with RAC output for the Top 5 teams in the Pentathlon from 1st May to 13th May (left chart below). Each teams had a output spike on 5th May and when you compare this with the RAC ouput of Team Gridcoin (right chart below), you'll notice that we didn't have any movement at all.

(Data source: BOINCStats)

On 1st May the combined RAC output for the Top 5 teams was 588k which grew to 11.5M by 13th May (just below Gridcoin’s normal RAC level!). This increase had a significant impact on the RAC contribution % because the total project RAC increased from 12M to 23M, which explains in the end the significant drop in team RAC contribution % for team Gridcoin.

The Pentathlon will finish in 3 days and it is interesting to monitor how much and how quickly we are going to recover lost ground. One thing is clear these kind of events do have a significant impact on the charts for a short period of time.

And here are the tables and charts for all whitelisted projects.

(Data source: BOINCStats and CoinMarketCap)


  • Recent Average RAC = The total amount of RAC produced by all systems within the Gridcoin network.
  • Team RAC vs Overall RAC % = The proportion of RAC output team Gridcoin has produced as part of the overall RAC for the project.
  • GRC per 1k system RAC = The amount of GRC you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC points. Example: You have a system which is running Rosetta@home with a RAC value of 3500. According to the chart on 30-Oct, you should gain 3.5 x 0.42 GRC = 1.47 GRC per day for this system.
  • USD per 1k system RAC = The amount of USD you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC points. Example: You have a system which is running NFS@Home with a RAC of 4700. According to the chart on 30-Oct, you should gain 4.7 x $0.29= $1.36 per day for this system.

Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards volunteer computing performed upon the BOINC platform in a decentralized manner on top of proof of stake.

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a distributed Internet platform and was launched beginning of 2002 and it rewards participants with credits for performed work. BOINC is an application available for multiple Operating Systems and uses the unused CPU and GPU cycles on computers to perform scientific work.

Thanks for reading. Follow me for more BOINC & Gridcoin related articles.

Image source: Header image - own design with Gridcoin logo, Gridcoin logo, BOINC logo, all other charts and tables are self-produced

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