Gridcoin weekly project stats - 30/Oct/17steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Here is another Gridcoin project stats update with this time the focus on the chart developments for DrugDiscovery@Home.

Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about the first movers advantage for just whitelisted projects. I used DrugDiscovery@home to measure the effect and during this time all work-units were for CPUs only. Since then DrugDiscovery@home has moved forward by introducing GPU test work-units as well. This has had a dramatic effect on the RAC output and earnings per 1k RAC. When you look at the charts below you can see that in a matter of 1 week the RAC output had increased 1400% while the GRC earnings had dropped by a factor 15.

Chart 1: DrugDiscovery@home RAC and GRC developments

Having GPU work-units is of course a great achievement for DrugDiscovery@home, as it will provide much more computational power per system to the project. On the other hand, if you are focussed on GRC earnings, it is would be sensible to deploy your CPU-only systems to other projects because of the reduced earnings potential.

Below you can find the charts for all projects again with one highlight because this week we produced more than 20% (!!) of the total BOINC RAC output.

Thanks for reading this and follow me for more Gridcoin-related articles.



Thanks a lot for your weekly charts very informative! Might you link them, so they are downloadable?

First off all I would like to report that my two computers have been always with work on TN-Grid (since Erkan published his alarm) although Erkan is claiming there is not sufficient work available! The Server Stats in this case are misleading and I think Erkan is an alarmist in most of his posts!

Your graphs might not proof anything of Erkan’s claim: The dip in the graphs might be because some heavy crunchers have reallocated their resources to another project. This can happen with small projects with a few crunchers – it’s the opposite of your comment on “first adapter” of last week. Why would you not pay the crunchers who are staying?

Then there are three other observations, why greylisting is not fair:

  1. The slow build-up of RAC, at the beginning your crunch without the adequate payment for at least a month when you join a project. So if a project is graylisted immediately after there is “no work” available, late comers will be penalized.
  2. Quite a few projects do double check the work unites (TN-Grid, Primegrid, SETI, etc.) so if a project is greylisted, work already done will not be paid accordingly if the double check has not concluded in time.
  3. The most important reason is: The projects, in which human scientist have to create Work units (WU) and evaluate the results afterwards, elaborate papers to be published and so on– in my modest opinion, the most valuable projects – are prone to get out of work as the human pre- and post-processing might take more time than compute the WUs in BOINC. This in opposite of those projects, which chops small data-packages out of an indefinite amount of data to create WUs or pretend to fill an endless dataset with new entries, they hardy will ever get out of work - but are they so scientific?

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