Tonight! on the Gridcoin Fireside -- Gridcoin

in #gridcoin5 years ago

Find us an image and earn 1000 GRC! Read more in the bounties section below.

The Gridcoin Fireside

Tonight! May 9th at 8:00pm EDT

The Gridcoin Fireside is a participatory podcast intended to introduce and explore DLT, cryptocurrency, and crypto-economics, from a perspective of the sciences.

The audience is welcome to participate through voice-comms or via the discord text chat.

Join us every Thursday at 8:00pm EDT on the Gridcoin discord server.

Catch up on past episodes here.



Tonight we talk about Gridcoin.

Bitcoin incentivizes computations directed toward complex math problems meant to secure its distributed ledger.

Gridcoin is the first blockchain to incentivize computations directed toward complex math, science, and data problems with uses beyond securing a ledger. Gridcoin is the only project to do this through its root protocol.

Gridcoin currently incentivizes 22 data driven projects, all hosted on the distributed computing infrastructure, BOINC (have a listen to last week's episode to learn more about BOINC!). Incentivized projects contain tasks from fields including physics and astrophysics, mathematics, biochemistry and molecular biology, computer science, climate and weather science, electrical engineering, cognitive science, and cryptography.

We will introduce as many technological, economic, and operational Gridcoin concepts and processes as we can in the limited time we have. These include:

  • IPPaaR -- Idle Processing Potential as a Resource
  • Approved Distributed Computing Platforms
  • Approved Data Analytics Projects (The Gridcoin Whitelist)
  • Ledger Security
  • Network Participants
  • Incentive Concepts and Processes
    • Fetching Participant Contribution Data (The Gridcoin Scraper)
    • Gridcoin Superblocks and Contribution Metrics (Magnitude)
  • Cryptoeconomics
  • Side-staking
  • Stake-splitting
  • Ledger data
  • Decision Making
  • Gridcoin Values
  • The Gridcoin Foundation

See you soon!

Gridcoin Discord

Don't forget about the bounties!

Bounty 1: Image

We need an image that we can use as a header for posting.

Bounty: 1000 GRC
Themes(you don't need to hit all of them): Data, science, distributed computing, fire,... sides?
Submission: Submit your image by pming jringo on discord
Winner: Chosen by jringo

Bounty 2: Intro/Outro

We need some music to play as an intro and outro to the podcast!

Bounty: 5000 GRC
Requirements: 10-30 seconds each; no vocals
Submission: Submit your sounds by pming jringo on discord
Winner: Chosen by jringo

What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin is a multi-incentive open-source blockchain. Incentive one, stake rewards, rewards participants for securing the ledger through a proof-of-stake protocol. Incentive two, research rewards, rewards participants for contributing to approved projects hosted on the distributed computing infrastructure, BOINC.

BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, hosts major institutional computing projects such as IBM’s World Community Grid, SETI, and data from the Large Hadron Collider, alongside projects developed by students, enthusiasts, mathematicians, researchers, and citizen scientists.

Want to Learn More?

White Paper:

-- Github --


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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 62904.98
ETH 3359.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46