The Fireside Chat Episode 07 - May 10th at 8:00pm EST Midnight UTC - Determining Magnitude: Total Credit Delta (TCD) vs. Recent Average Credit (RAC)

in #gridcoin6 years ago


The Fireside Chat 07 - Determining Magntidue: Total Credit Delta (TCD) vs. Recent Average Credit (RAC)

Thursday, May 10th, at 8:00pm EST, Midnight UTC

Join us every Thursday at 8:00pm EST, Midnight UTC on the Gridcoin discord server for discussions on Gridcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and DELTA.

This week's theme

Determining Magnitude: Total Credit Delta (TCD) vs. Recent Average Credit (RAC).

There are a lot of changes happening in Gridcoin. CBR, MRC (potentially), MicroGrid (potentially), Superblock Contract Forwarding as we port to C++, documentation improvements, organization, and more. This week we'd like to focus on the idea of Total Credit Delta, known as TCD, and how a shift to the TCD system will impact other aspects of the Gridcoin ecosystem and economy.

At its root, TCD means using a participant's change in credit on a specific project, or delta credit, to determine their magnitude instead of using their Recent Average Credit. There are a few pros and cons to this system listed in the Gridcoin Roadmap 4.0 Poll thread linked below, and I'm sure we'll have some more to discuss during the chat.

Feel free to bring any questions, concerns, or comments you might have regarding TCD vs. RAC. If you cannot make the live recording, please post anything in the comments bellow and we'll try our best to bring it into the live discussion. And as always, the conversation is open to everyone! Join in on the Gridcoin discord server linked below.

Gridcoin 4.0-2018 General Roadmap Poll - Determining Magnitude
Poll Results
Gridcoin Discord Server

See you soon!

What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin is an open-source blockchain that mints and distributes cryptocurrency in relation to the processing power a network participant directs toward data-driven analysis and scientific discovery. Currently, the Gridcoin blockchain is secured through a proof-of-stake protocol and monitors processing contributions to the distributed computing infrastructure, BOINC. BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, hosts major institutional computing projects such as IBM’s World Community Grid, SETI, and data from the Large Hadron Collider, alongside projects developed by students, enthusiasts, mathematicians, researchers, and citizen scientists.

Want to Learn More?

White Paper:

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