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RE: soon... 4 years of Gridcoin!

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

I am surprised we had a block #110100100 or what ever bounty but not for a GRC Bday? I would had donated , this is a last minute idea with only 4 days to go but whom mints the B-day SB whom is a cruncher and under ### mag or something limitations to celebrate the years+boinc/gridcoin together in 1 package. Maybe really make it for the new guy or small guy. Just an idea to help promote the growth along with those whom actually stuck around or are sticking around threw the code base , community and idea maturing. Maybe a CPID age requirement , max MAG of #### or ### and we have many users under a magnitude of 99 whom have not had a chance to earn outside of crunching from the community and foundation both! I think we should have promotions for events such as an anniversary such as one as important to this both for versions and first block or one big bang for both. Yes I know I am trying to set requirements I myself would not qualify for . Even if it was 2yr CPID and 99 or lower mag with a RAC of 500,000.0 or higher ( if you have that rac with that low of mag you are doing something wrong but you get the idea ) something that really includes and is designed for the little guy to thank them. You are better at thinkin up the fair ideas such as this @erkan so I trust if you or the community runs with it you will make it fair , not just for the guy with a plethora of machines full of the 1 onboard intel 5000 series and 7 1080ti's and 72 cores :)

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