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RE: new release: Gridcoin version

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

lol made me wake up early as I was up at 6am for something before going back to sleep , all windows nodes updated and Linux machines compiled now just waiting on @caraka for a ppa for the other 2 boxes.. wait there is another to compile too!! Lets see if this fixes things, I hate the " windows only " factor and no NN for Linux. Yes the linux client runs stable and has no issues , headless its a great full node unfortunately limited to how many users can connect before it crashes ( not new users ) I was ok @ 50 users crashes @ 60 I hope this fixes that because Linux I can handle 136 on the same machine awaiting more. I wish we had a port block , then you could run multiple windows nodes under 1 ip ( NAT ) via multiple machines ie: ports " 32760 , 32761 , 32762 , 32764 , 32765 " to get around 50 users per windows machine to support the Neural Network until we get some work on the Linux client and get a mandatory Linux update that includes the Neural Network. :(
At least we have Rino and keeping up on the Debian and Ubuntu install scripts. To me I think a version number change such as v3.5.8.8-g to v3.6-g is reason enough to be mandatory enough to require an upgrade.

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