Gridcoin - [GRC] + 2/1/18 Snapshot upgrade missing staking coins locked from forking and extra steps for resolution

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

What are the official Gridcoin websites? :

What Boinc projects can I crunch that are Gridcoin Whitelisted?

  • or
    But it is best to check to see what projects were included in the last superblock as
    those 2 lists are not maintained and upgraded regularly when projects are added let alone when projects add
    applications for other platforms such as cuda/openCL/Android so a project may be listed on the wiki as CPU only or not show Android since new apps are developed all of the time and since all these websites are personal users projects and not a team made by some imaginary " Gridcoin Foundation " or " Gridcoin Group " although thanks to BS sites like this along with Facebook and Twitter people think steemit is replacing the wallstreet journey or Time Magazine and its like these new age girls thinking their modeling agency is Instagram things do not get updated.. The quakecatcher@home project was on the wiki whitelist for 6 months until I asked why I was not getting paid any GRC for the project and @NeuralMiner quickly removed it so those lists are as honorable and trust-able as the self proclaimed " trust-able community leaders "

Since the source code for was available a good 12 hours before the PPA release and 18ish before the windows .msi I first updated an hp proliant bl-460 gen6 and a hp proloant bl-480 both running Ubuntu 17.10 and compiled v3.7.7.0-gd3c0eb952 from src/github with without any issues but those nodes hold 0GRC as full nodes.
Soon as the PPA came out I upgrading my 1 racked Dell Power Edge 2950 Gen3 full node provided by my hosting company via the apt stable release from the "gridcoin-gridcoin-stable-trusty.list " repo also running Ubuntu 17.10 and I had no issues. This is a separate CPID and Linux node as my test grcpool miner , correct syncing of the chain after the snapshot and 100% my balance was correct etc.
Next I moved to 2 bl-460c blades running Windows 7 as Boinc crunchers and past NN extra nodes back from around the 4th of July due to 4th of July forking snafu with no issues but those nodes also have 0 GRC , along with 2 spare laptops.
Finally to my last Windows 7 wallet , a Dell laptop ( at my feet I could get the model ) and after installing the .MSI and extracting the snapshot I literally got sick. I was staking when we forked and when we came back my wallet showed only 6000 of 23,000grc and its literally my savings account and 1.5yr if Gridcoin and barely covers the cost @ 1.6kw/Hr usage although I have a very efficient system running 4 blades 3 x 16 core and 1 8 core @ 1200-1600w total with 15k rpm SAS drives all 4 machines. I panicked and was searching github issues and steemit , I am shunned from the freenode support due to the leadership and said screw it since they already were going to remove me after being accused of spreading lies and being the black cancer of gridcoin from exposing the flaws and security issues in the seed nodes NOTE the latest patch/update was to /src/net.cpp and removes Customminers domination and security loop holes and possible easier exploiting the gridcoin network hosting more than 51% wallet clients being able to cause and control a fork so I was unable to get help for this and I know others have ran into this and found the fix on steemit..
I had to run in the wallet console " repairwallet " , I originally read I needed to sync from 0 and do reorganize but instantly when I did repair wallet it found 26 coins that were spent but never spent and over 17,000 missing GRC... So , if you were staking a block as I assume the way it worked and what happened was since the Neural Network locks onto the coins and makes them not available for spending while held in the staking " kitty pot " until a consensus block is staked and whom ever was staking out of the multiple users whom are trying at the same time others may have a few lost coins and need to run repair wallet after this latest version upgrade along with the new snapshot. This seems to be an issue others are having as I was reading steemit and trending gridcoin along with comments and hoped documentation of the issue along with reminding to backup your wallet .dat and .conf when upgrading.

On another note , my wallet has done daily backups since 2016 and upon version 3.6.#.# not sure 100% but can give date something changed in the code and the backup files are not .dat or .conf are may confuse non tech savvy or non gridcoin wallet savvy ( i know I have dedicated a massive amount of my time and life the past almost 2 years to JUMP at helping the new users in #gridcoin and #gridcoin-help while our trusted @ and +v helpers and trusted community leaders ignore because they have gotten sick of helping people and bored helping new users along with annoyed due to language barriers again thanks dutch for helping show the world Science is not just for English let alone the 2nd language of the world American English as people get passed up and drop off due to the lack of willfulness to help and proper use of a valuable Gridcoin asset and that is the FOSS network , freenode and #gridcoin and #gridcoin-help and the channel should not just be ran by whom is buddy buddy and should be professional and people should be not just available for help but dedicated to help as much as the current dictatorship. We need a real foundation with checks and balances , we need a new project application team with MX record access and mail hosting along with apparently thanks to G_UK's wonderful extensive work and thought process and taking the time to create from his own intellectual ideas apparently a graylist upkeep team... It's time for Gridcoin to grow out of its infancy and revamp and vote whom is trusted and whom is leadership and there needs to be stipulations and requirements and our current team leader and team captain Customminer plays favorites and due to being 3rd world himself does not understand the American society , Gridcoin is international and global but has no tolerance since science along with most of the world is full of Squares and Normies... Marijuana is science , so is cocaine and heroin they belong in the medical field and research is needed , similar to Enigma@home and moo@home just because it may not matter to you as much as bouncing 3.5mhz FM carriers off dust and bodies of mass in space @ 2kw for seti@home but it could save millions of lives and change the current opiate and drug epidemic let alone save the lives of children and unlike the uneducated into Marijuana squares ( nothing wrong with being a square , both my roommates are ) may save the lives of children let alone elderly people and give cancer patients ( this is very meaningful to me personally due to such ) extend the quality of life for sick patients. I add this as Gridcoin is tied to science and we do not all view science or the legitimacy of a project and science in the same way , just like male/females in Gridcoin may not have the same sexual let alone political views but we are a Team and need to act like a team even if we do not get along or like each other or what each other says we need to support and encourage and help each other not slander , ostracize outcast and shun because they expose our team captain and the 2nd leader under rob doing sneaky stuff that could compromise the security of Gridcoin...

Thanks , btw yes I a victim of that abuse and slander and all I have done was offer my time and my hosting services and yes I understand I messed up offering to provide services free when everyone is struggling to make a few cents due to the low value in Gridcoin.

Remember Boinc projects also need help translating since the default language is Latin and we need people to change things to Russian , German , Sweedish , Irish , Australian , Canadian and Mexican in order to make everyone such as dutch happy so then he can hit and run on the project he bitches showing its his time of the month and maybe he was taking a few extra estrogen pills... Notice his ODLK1 rac and credit dropped after just a week of crunching... Yes I slander too , we need to act like a team and at this point in time only the GRC8 is a team and Gridcoin is a cult following of BItcoin. I think if this project does not get its game in gear with forking and the fake foundation Berkeley needs to pull its relation and access to servers and put together a team of local .edu dev's to create something else... Gridcoin could be retired and known as a stepping stone.

I support BOINC and as a scientist encurage new users no matter what but I have lost faith in Gridcoin and its left a bad taste in my mouth due to the leadership and lack of being an actual team encouraging each other , we always just put each other down.. I am sorry Customminer and or any other users if I have put you down or slandered you or your name in this post that was no my intention but things need to be open and honest and talked about ( yes you people hate that about me ).

We have lost good people and we are going to lose more , we all seem to put out heart and soul into this project both Boinc and Gridcoin unless around for alt motives and not investing let alone crunching but just posting on steemit in order to get paid Gridcoin by doing non Gridcoin related things and using foundation funds.



First in the sense of "Customminers domination and security loop holes and possible easier exploiting the gridcoin network hosting more than 51% wallet clients"

Those are seed nodes the initial nodes for a gridcoin new user to connect to. you would need 51% of the network total supply of active wallets to do that attack; not 51% of the seed nodes in code. thought i'd clear that up for any user reading this topic to avoid confusion. seed nodes are just the initial start and then the network passes along peers.

Also the neural network doesn't lock your coins at all nor does it have any control over the wallet itself (its an external dll). If you stake on a fork and then get off the fork back to the main chain a repair wallet needs to be called to correct the misspent coins (standard in all blockchains). In future this will be automatically run every so many blocks.

In the spirit of being open and honest, I think You should be careful when stating things that you're clearly wrong on.

The Gridcoin wallet is a Proof-of-Stake wallet, which means that your stake (read your amount of coins) is what empowers you on the network. Not how many nodes you're running (as in Proof-of-Work).

The following statement is purely wrong

NOTE the latest patch/update was to /src/net.cpp and removes Customminers domination and security loop holes and possible easier exploiting the gridcoin network hosting more than 51% wallet clients being able to cause and control a fork

Even if the statement where right, I'm highly doubtful that customminer, or anyone for that matter, are hosting more than 51% of the networks wallets.

I had the same problem with missing coins. Running repairwallet got them back.

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