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RE: The “Gridcoin Finance Team”: The other side of development.

in #gridcoin8 years ago

It is a great idea and I like the roster. The hard part to me do you get these people? Most of them will not freelance so you would have to find them on Steemit and other Social Media sites/forums with nerds like us who both dabble in crypto and have the experience you are talking about.

This is possible of course, but costs money or time and effort on social media marketing campaigns.


I think the initial starting point for the team would be to recruit one person who is good at organizing projects from the ground up, AND who is interested in or has a stake in Gridcoin.

I don't want to suggest a funding scheme via Gridcoin. I don't think that enough people in the Gridcoin community have been exposed to this idea, and I recall there was an episode earlier where coins were deducted from folks' accounts that led to an uproar. (I'll source this in a moment).

Gridcoin is still cheap in terms of market value, so one hope would be to find someone with these skills who is willing to bet on his own skills and buy a stake which is substantive in terms of Gridcoin and still cheap in terms of cash.

BUT I think it is going to take community involvement to start looking for the right people to get this end of Gridcoin evolution going. We as a community are going toi have to find these folks in our ranks, or come up with a recruiting team.

And returning to your point re: recompense, we might have to kick in a bit individually to provide a "buy in" stake for the volunteers we seek. A small holding in GRC (say 10,000) can provide a hell of a payback if the market value hits even Litecoin prices.

I am going to add this discussion to the next post on the subject, because we need an agreed upon plan to get moving

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