meet the BOINC admin from: Duchamp Sourcefinder

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

On Sunday, May 14, 08:00 AM UTC (verify with this link)
we're having a conference call with Sam Foster from BOINC project  

"Sourcefinder is about testing the performance and quality of the Duchamp Sourcefinding application. We've built a simulated cube of the sky containing various radio sources, and it's the job of Duchamp to work out where the sources are. We plan on running Duchamp over the whole cube of simulated data to work how many of the radio sources in the cube it can find. Duchamp will need to be able to identify correct sources while keeping false positives to a minimum."

Read also their FAQ.

We have prepared questions here already

How you can join us over the software mumble:  

  • the mumble address is (this won't work in browser, use it in your mumble software): or (or IP =
  • Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

See you there!


  • It's better to come earlier to the hangout place, so you can adjust your mic, ...
  • If you experience any kind of problems: check out our help channel on IRC
  • The minutes and audio file of this hangout session will be available here.
  • Find interviews with other BOINC admins here: interview guide with BOINC admins


I'd like to ask:

  • Can you implement SSL please?

RE: Domain name:

We have a new domain name too! I plan on switching the project URL from the current raw IP address to the proper URL next Wednesday (17th May). Everyone will receive a message from Boinc asking them to re-attach to the project, just a heads up!

"SSL (will be) set up in the near future"

Here's hoping their admin credentials haven't been intercepted in the mean time..

time change:

  • it's now on Sunday, May 14, 08:00 AM UTC (verify with this link) -> so, in 22h 48 mins from now on

I have now torn out the rest of hair after sleeping through my alarm and missing this interview.

Really wanted to be there, hear it went well and I look forward to listening to it on SoundCloud when it's released.

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