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RE: PSA - Gridcoin WINDOWS Wallets, Please Help us Stake a Superblock

in #gridcoin7 years ago

Ok, that looks fine. The reason you are not staking your POS (interest on the 35k) is that as a miner you are currently unable to stake with a magnitude of zero. This is going to be fixed in the next client patch.

So, the 2 days makes sense, but the zero magnitude stops you being paid. The good news is that you are backpaid any interest owed all the way to the start of the universe. Next time you stake you will get all of it.

I am going to check your CPID in the Neural Network and get back to you.


Thanks for all your help! :)

You're welcome. That drawing you upvoted was from my gf and she is beaming which is good news for me. I owe you one.

I eyed the problem over with the devs. Your mag is indeed 1.53 as per the stats page. The problem you have is that the NN and the wallet round magnitude to the nearest 5. As a result, you have been rounded down to 0, which cannot stake.

Your RAC, and as a result mag, will continue to climb diminishingly for about a month. I would expect that by the next superblock your mag will have crossed the cutoff and round you up to 5! =)

If that is not the case, swing back around and I will do my best to help where I can.

That drawing you upvoted was from my gf and she is beaming

Oh, very cool! :)

Yep, seems the standard gridcoin answer goes something like "Be patient. Wait a week."

I want to do a post about Gridcoin but I wanted to make sure I understood the process from start to finish before doing so. It's quite confusing! So many steps and so many different things to register for. Now that I've done it, I'm not even sure I'd know exactly how to walk others through it, but I'll certainly try.

Thanks again.

Yeah, we need to work on streamlining the process, which is a work in progress. Unlike bigger coins, GRC does not have a paid developer team.

Best of luck! I will keep an eye out for your post.

A new super block came in and my client now shows a 1.00 magnitude. Seems the same old gridcoin advice still stands. Be patient. Wait. Heheh.

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