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RE: Which BOINC projects were affected most by the "magnitude zero" events ?

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

I have been severely affected by the recent superblocks, normally having a RAC of 500,000 in SETI and several hundred thousand in VGTU. However, I do not consider myself a 'victim' like you mention. Yes, there are ongoing issues with the superblock project inclusion, but there is also ongoing active development.

Gridcoin is a coin with a niche market and a small, volunteer dev team. Remember how there were all those posts about whales being way too damn rich? You want to know why? They bought in early and held coins during these events which are guaranteed to occur in some form with every coin - and it paid off.

If you want to get rich, you need to weather storms like this. If you are a programmer, even better! Join the dev channels on Slack and Github and get involved. I guarantee you that if you fix the superblock stability, community members will give you Gridcoin for your efforts (and if they don't I will).


There's still a 7000 GRC bounty up for grabs!


more info about the bounty here:

There we go! Get involved. =)

This is an ongoing PR disaster, for at least 4 weeks.
One of the core functionalities of Gridcoin is NOT working reliabily

I've now added a section:

in short:

  • WCG + SETI offline may have played a role, but
  • it seems more the CENTRALIZED and NOT OPENSOURCED harvest server made trouble (we are still waiting for an official dev statement)

some people were not so happy about this "PR diaster", so let me quote also others:

  • "As for the Superblock issue, I hope, we get this fixed, because instable SB's or missing projects is obviously not really the best publicity we can get." (here)
  • if wished, I could add also some quotes by the "normal users" who experienced these all and gave comments at different places ? to illustrate different viewpoints by "the public"

Also, to mention now also some other effects of the magnitude zero/delayed superblocks:

  • influence on polls: main dev Rob: "I do see that mag votes done during a bad superblock should be invalidated" (see more comments in bugtracker)
  • "I know you could run into issues with hitting that 14-day limit on owed GRC," (here)
  • effects of long SB creation times: 'e.g. newcomers to Gridcoin currently can not get rewarded or rewarded fairly (since their magnitude builds up at begin). The fair rewarding is also important, b/c people can just sit on their "free" magnitude which holds longer' (see section: "Why is this important?" here); also: "when the superblock was stuck , i exploited going off the whitelist and cruched other shit since i know my stats wouldnt be effected"

About the 14-day limit on owed GRC:

  • the next 2 days are critical :-(

Users from:

  • Citizen Science Grid
  • Numberfields
  • Rosetta
  • SETI

will lose their $GRC reward if no fix comes.

See more at:

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