in #greetings6 years ago (edited)

Greetings adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang diucapkan ketika bertemu seseorang. Dalam bahasa Inggris greetings terbagi dua, yaitu Formal Greetings dan Informal Greetings

Formal Greetings merupakan ekspresi yang sopan dan biasanya digunakan dalam situasi formal, seperti dalam rapat dengan guru, dosen, rekan kerja, dll. Sedangkan informal greetings adalah ekspresi yang lebih santai dan biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, misalnya dengan sesama teman, kerabat, anak-anak, dll.


Berikut adalah contoh ekspresi greetings dalam bentuk formal dan informal.


“Good morning.”
“Good afternoon.”
“Good evening.”

“How do you do?”
“How are you?”

“I’m very well, thank you (How about you?)”
“I’m fine, thank you (How about you?)”

“I’m very well too. Thank you.”
“I’m fine too. Thank you.”


“Hello (there).”
“Hi (there).”
“Good day, mate.”

“How are you doing?”
“How’s life?”
“What’s up?”

“I’m good (and you)?”
“Great (and you)?”
“Not bad (and you)?”

“I’m good/great too.”
“Me too.”

Selain ekspresi greetings, ada juga ekspresi farewell yang umumnya diucapkan ketika hendak berpisah. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ekspresi farewell dalam bentuk formal dan informal.


“Good night.”
“Good bye.”

“Until next time.”
“Until we meet again.”

“See you later/again.”
“See you on (Monday).”
“See you next (time/week/year).”



“Catch you later.”

“See ya.”




John Watson: “Good evening, Mr. Holmes. How are you?”

Sherlock Holmes: “Good evening, Dr. Watson. I am fine. Thank you, how about you?”

John Watson: ”I am fine too. Thank you. How is your work, Mr. Holmes?”

Sherlock Holmes: “Rather dull. I haven’t had a good case for quite some time. The case I’m currently working on is too predictable.”

John Watson: “I see. Well, look at the bright side. You might not have to think on this one.”

Sherlock Holmes: “I think you to be right this time. Well, I you excuse me, I am going out for some air.”

John Watson: “Certainly, Mr. Holmes. Enjoy your evening. Until we meet again.”

Sherlock Holmes “So do you, Dr. Watson. Good bye.”


John Watson: “Evening, Sherlock. How are you doing?”

Sherlock Holmes: “Hello, John. I am good, and you?”

John Watson: ”Likewise. How is work, Sherlock?”

Sherlock Holmes: “Boring. I haven’t got a good case for quite some time. The case I’m now working on is too predictable.”

John Watson: “I see. Well, cheer up. Maybe you don’t even have to think on this one.”

Sherlock Holmes: “I think you are right this time. Well, If you excuse me, I am going out for some air.”

John Watson: “Of course, Sherlock. Enjoy your evening. Catch you later.”

Sherlock Holmes: “You too, John. Bye for now.

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