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RE: 1st Zimbabwean to JOIN the STEEM IT COMMUNITY

in #greetings7 years ago (edited)

VERy nice PLEASE keeep posting! I helped my friend @tj4real get to the TOP of steemit africa! go look ! i helped him get $1600 off ONE single post and get t #1 onsteemit africsa!!
YOU will make ALOt of miey if YOU POST EVERYDAY! make sure You post EVERYDAY and SHOW YOUR LOCAL CITy show what your city looks liek show the nice park and beautiful architecture of your local town ! show local plants and animals! show everything around u! we want to see uniquely arican things!

use your success and succes of my friend @tj4real to convince your Leader Mr Mugabe and his Family to PLEASE consider switching the country to Bitcoin or even Steem as their natioanl reseve currency...the money the coountry will make as a whole will actually offset ANY damage done by hyperinflation!

The world knows about the trillion dollar zimbabwe notes, and that they seem to have a tenporary solution going, but they NEEEEEED to use Crypto Currency to SOLVE your countries fnancial solutions!

Mugabe and his family CAN BECOME RICHER from Bitcoin he canbecome FAR wealthier thanhe could EVER become printing hs fiat money!

he will be haled as HERO if he replaces the Money Printing machines with BitcoinMining Machines and MAKES A LAW that EVERY citizenin zimbabwe MUSt signup for steemit
HAHA YES @xpency come listen to this

imagine if you made it a law to have a steemit acount and you paiid taxes to your local government using a portion of your profits on steemit and the governments of africa could sart making billions of dollars is they told their citizens to Go out there and start Blogging!

hahah if they forced people to use steemit, would it be so bad? aha i know this is CRAZY but i like to have fun with this!

I also dont want to getyou in troouble! I am an american and I do not want to offend Zimbabwe or your leader! they might read this one day and i want Mr Mugabe and his family to know that if they started mining bitcoin like using government money to start bitcoin and ethereum mining data centers, the government could create its own money WITHOUT inflation! It would be like mining gold and using it as money! but digital gold!

I will be happy to teach anyone in zimbabwe how to start a government backked mining operation and i have cntacts at one of the worlds largest bitcoin mining centers and you can also invest money there and have them mine for you!

government of zimbabwe canuse tax money to invest in bitcoin mining pool at and use the profits of a lifetime bitcoinmining contract to pay for schools housing ospitals anything!

Mugabe and his family will be hailed as heors! noone will remeber the bad years people will ONLY rememberthe GOOD years ahead!

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