Hal Jordan's epic moments: Green Lantern vs Sinestro

in #greenlantern3 years ago (edited)

Ahh, Sinestro, one of the long time, old enemies of Green Lantern, and probably one of the most iconic series of the Green Lantern saga: Sinestro Corps.

The story of Sinestro is one quite similar to Hal's, although the differences in personality and moral compass is what made their stories so different. Sinestro's story goes, broadly, like this:

While living on his home world of Korugar, Sinestro was visited by Jewelius Blak, a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Jewelius chose Sinestro has her new apprentice. When Blak became incapacitated, Sinestro was contacted by the Guardians of the Universe to become a full time member of the Corps.

Over the years, his sector became known as the most orderly slice of the universe, bringing great renown to Sinestro. After Hal Jordan was accepted into the Corps, Sinestro was asked to help train him, and they became fast friends. But when Hal discovered that Sinestro's peace-keeping methods bordered on fascism, Jordan exposed him to the Guardians, and he was thrown out of the Corps and exiled to the Anti-Matter Universe.

The reverse-guardians of the Anti-Matter Universe, the Weaponers of Qward, gave Sinestro a yellow ring with which to terrorize the Green Lantern Corps, thus avenging himself upon them. However, he was thwarted again and again by Jordan and eventually imprisoned within the Central Power Battery on Oa. There, he discovered another prisoner of the great lanterns: a creature called Parallax, who had been there for millenia. Parallax was a being of pure fear that was responsible for the yellow impurity in green rings. Sinestro awoke this creature and helped it possess his nemesis Hal Jordan, faked his own death, and, in doing so, turned Jordan into the renegade he himself once was.

But that's for another post my friends, in fact, I'm thinking of doing a series of posts about the main and most iconic enemies of Hal Jordan as Green Lantern and his alter egos.


This comic page is one of Hal Jordan's epic moments, when he tells Sinestro that, despite his efforts to defeat him in many ways, Hal will always come out victorious from their fights and bouts.

Pure Epicness.

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