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RE: Greenland Theory

in #greenlandtheory8 years ago

Whoa... not sure about this. Kind of feels like a bot taking random actual conspiracies and history and slamming them together into a story. I don't say this as a bash, as I'd actually be the type of person to make such a bot.

I do believe a lot of history was lost, censored, and altered to not be true, but check out the period of the dark ages after when the "normal" history of Rome says it fell... what do you believe was going on then?


I think it would have been easy for the Catholic Church (or who ever is behind it) to take control of the printing press, destroy all the historical truth and create their own history, for their own benefit, they most probably wrote the bible and koran to control both sides. As far as I know the monks copied all the books back then and then "lost" the original documents (sounds like NASA with the moon landing video originals) scriptures etc.
If you look into Greenland a bit, it looks totally fake, fake buildings, they have and airport but no roads, I haven't seen anything convincing that the place is real
I have the Fomenko books about the screwed up history in the dark ages, I'm sure those monks where hard at work painting and creating a false history for their own benefit.
Never thought about a bot, I do wonder how this guy managed to come across all of the information

Hey they started that process of censorship big time during the Council of Nicea. People don't realize that their Bible is one of the earlier historical records of censorship and alteration by a council of people. This is the true reason the Dead Sea Scrolls were a big deal. They were a collection of documents that survived the purge POST Council of Nicea. Many "Christians" don't know about their ancestors destruction and damage in terms of the Library of Alexandria. That was one of the most damaging losses to knowledge from our past in history. So yes, they were capable.

I was not discounting your theory. It may be possible. I'm one of those that keeps an open mind. I might believe some things without believing the full tale. So I will have to look into this a bit more. I do know the Catholic Church destroyed and covered up a lot of information.

Man... if we had a time machine and could save the documents from Alexandria... what a wealth of information that'd likely be. I know we only have limited works by Plato due to that fire and he was known to have written far more. The works we have are of immense value, so that loss was horrible.

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