#home day 14


Today I'm going to enjoy the day starting with some reiki meditation, cleaning the special stones I have. And a cup of they with honey, kurkuma and some cocosoil. Then my first appointment in a week going to Jenna she is going to help me with my problems giving me a massage combined with reiki and giving me a little boost for a few days I have less pain after her treatment. She is just starting up I know her so it's easier for me and better for her. I will introduce her to steemit she is going on a world trip as an energetic person she is we all would enjoy reading her stories. But it is her decision.
After that I'm going to get some new wierrook and I'm going to think about what I should do. Put my earnings in steemit, put it in my tradingbot or just pay the electricity bill with it.

Yesterday I went to the woods I promised to Jenna I would go Sunday but I couldn't find my bicycle key.

After that I got a bit lost and thought what's this it's so near home how can I get lost? I live in den heague for 6? Years now I only worked slept and sometimes went out.

Ok I got lost until I saw this I thought o nooooow which way now.

Yeah you guessed I went to the sea and I discovered something there. After some walking at the beach soooo boring in your own. I thought what the he'll I'm I doing here.

I discovered this what this is is an experiment by some crazy Dutch people thinking they could battle the sea wait until it rises 6 metres then you would have a battle but more of this topic in another post. I'm curious about the sandengine they talk about.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 58068.07
ETH 3133.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44