in #greenbit6 years ago

Good day my dear readers.I have prepared for you a new review of the project.It is expected that by 2020 the total business in the field of agriculture will reach 3.1 trillion dollars. The invention of the computer and the Internet has made life easier for people around the world. Globalization and liberalization have led to significant changes in the world economy. Businesses and farmers around the world can connect globally.

But there are several problems in the sector that limit the growth and scale of agriculture in the global market. Agriculture technology has found new hope in the form of blockchain technology, and it is time for a bright future for farmers and businesses. Everyone can easily use their cryptocurrency on agricultural products. A continuous cycle will take time to prepare, but once that happens, we will see a new era of agriculture and food.

Agriculture is one of the foundations of human life on the planet Earth. People have learned to grow different crops and products for survival on earth. The market for the international agricultural economy is growing rapidly and globally. The endless presence of intermediaries in this process has created inefficiencies and high costs for consumers and farmers.

Because of the poor trade, agricultural production is lost by $ 300 billion every year. Choosing the right farm is extremely important for a healthy business in this sector. Farmers, traders, consumers and experts are limited by many invisible barriers that need to be broken down to ensure transparent exchange of values.

GREENBIT is a new development step for the agricultural industry. GREENBIT has created a decentralized transparent platform for the rapid exchange of goods between farmers and traders. The platform is designed with futuristic hub and prospects for enterprises and farmers agrotravel, agro-shops, including agresiunii industry and consumers. The global agricultural business will change with the introduction of the platform. A centralized facility called the global farm network (GCN), based on blockchain technology, has been created. GCN is used to speed up transactions, reduce fraud and stop financial crimes. Using the traders and farmers platform can save up to 35% on every transaction.

GREENBIT was created to speed up payment and currency exchange. Trading currencies and commodities, currency and cryptocurrency exchanges, portfolio management on farm investment options, and attracting investment for expansion are some of the platform's many features. Connecting agri-traders, farmers, traders and businesses on a single platform is the ultimate goal of the platform. It is also a safe place to trade for traders and service providers of the value chain. Anyone can create their profile on the platform to start their journey in the agricultural sector. GREENBIT is accessible and convenient for smart users, all users can easily access the platform on their own without any difficulties. The platform is a flexible means to be used in case of trading, direct purchases and payments.

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