Running on fumes

in #green-energy8 years ago (edited)

Running on fumes, for most of us, is a phrase synonymous to running out of gas. But for some means a more efficient way of running a car on fuel. The race of fuel efficiency is as old as the car itself and is the single most important field of innovation in the car industry. But, and there is always a "but", it is the most myth prone piece of technology in a car.

All the information here is for informative reasons only I do not encourage you to try something that would hurt you please take care of yourself.

Vapor carburetors

A lot of literature and videos roam around the Internets describing how to construct a carburetor that turns gasoline into fumes, and how the resulting ignition produces almost no NO (Nitrous mono-oxide) while the fule efficiency is boosted to an unbelievable range of 200 - 300 mpg. Different versions of this innovation can be catalogued in the following categories.

Heating carburetor:

Using a coil to heat the fuel to vaporize it. Or using the waste heat of the engine exhausts gasoline is heated until it vaporizes and then injected in the burning chamber. One such type of carburetor that has been the center of interest and an object of controversy is the Pogue carburetor invented by Charles Nelson Pogue back in the 1930s.

Petrol bubbler fumes:

An airpump drives bubbles through the liquid fuel. As the air bubbles rise they vaporize a portion of the fuel.

Wick carburetor

In this case the fuel is being wicked in the vaporization chamber through a fabric wick. Not one material is considered best. As per usual different amateurs defend their choice of material with militant fervor.

Ultrasonic vaporizer:

Based on small ceramic ultrasonic nebulizers. These little contraptions usualy mass produced in China create an aerosol like mist of gasoline. Usually nebulizers are used for a nice effect on ponds or for humidifying the air.

Thank you for reading , again please don't try anything if you are not absolutely sure that you are safe. Upvote, share, copy or whatever makes you happy. But always keep an open mind.

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