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RE: ICOs and SMTs Are Only A Short-Term Solution

in #greed6 years ago

Okay, I don't want ICOs, and I don't want SMTs, and I don't want an ETF, so what do I want? As stated in my opening paragraph, I want responsible citizens who can spend responsibly. I want philosopher kings who have painstakingly trained themselves in the disciplines required for living in abundance. I want to be able to give someone a billion dollars and be able to trust that they will either hold that money or spend it on behalf of a whole; greater than themselves. It's a big ask, but this is the community I want to be a part of.

Yeah, you and Plato. Maybe it'll take another 2500 years.

The fundamental problem you keep running into is that it is contrary to human nature.


And yet, with cryptocurrency, we can create whatever rules we want and enforce them. Crypto is an opt-in situation.

Yes, that's true. The crypto projects that will stand the test of time are the ones that harness human nature and build a more robust and resilient monetary system, not fight against that human nature expecting people to be something they're not.

You've built a very strong argument on top of being vague and begging the question. How can I argue with you when you haven't defined human nature?

Can't go against human nature because it's human nature... begging the question hard on that one.

My rebuttal to you is that there is no human nature. Everything is human nature, to sacrificing oneself for another to the most vile acts on the planet and everything in between. Diversity, change, and death are the only constant.

You can't make the argument that current social constructs constitute human nature and that they can never change. It only takes a single generation to bring about monumental changes.

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