Far-left Greek PM Tsipras to attempt to remove Christianity as State religion - PART II (Important)

in #greece6 years ago

Greeks have demanded, for many years, that the Church be separated from the State.

They also wanted to see the Church be taxed on all the properties they hold - which are overwhelming in size and numbers.

This could lead to Greeks favouring the attempt by Tsipras to separate the Orthodox Church, by removing it from the status of being the official religion of Greece.

If you think he is doing it because he agrees with what you have asked for - please tell me when has he ever done what you wanted, if it was for your own good?

No, Tsipras and his gang of criminal traitors, see that by having the Greek Orthodox Church as the official religion of Greece, it blocks them from opening the door to the mousoulmanous. They are already doing what they can, for instance, allowing a mosque to be built in Athens (it is supposed to be illegal) and with elections coming up, he is making citizenship available to over 800,000 mousoulmanous.

Stop dreaming that you still live in a world where your petty political leanings are important. Even if you are an atheist communist, be clever enough to keep for yourself and your children the choice of a future that suits you, not Merkel, the globalists and Tsipras. If, as you have seen, the globalists want to hand over Europe to the mousoulmanous, why can't you see it is exactly what they plan for you? Be like the Italians and Hungarians - stand AGAINST all they want you to do. Find a brave Greek who will lead you, be careful of your choices, we are very close to the edge of the cliff.

You know that your own media (MSM) is only going to report what the globalists favour, so consider doing the opposite of what they advise you.

All that is important, that matters, is that Greece survives as Greece, with your children free to choose their own religion, which will no longer be true once it becomes a Caliphate belonging to Turkey. Once the mousoulmanoi have lost this war against us, then, if you want, look for ways to tax the Church - just do not let your feelings of injustice guide you now. Only surviving matters, the rest our children can handle, once they are in command again.

And...for God's sake, the process of making children is fun, so get at it, have more children, as many as you can - and demand that since the government could afford to give homes and to feed the mousoulmanous, they damn well can afford to give you grants to help support your families.

We have a beautiful country, lovely traditions, mythology and culture
It does not belong to you
It all belongs to the Greek children of the future
Preserve it for them, as your ancestors did for you!

Just a brief reminder:

greece-Assos isle1096724__340.jpg

greek mythology-1392847__340.jpg




greek flag-3098158__340.jpg

Doesn't it fill your heart and make you proud, seeing the story of our people, sometimes carved out of stone and sometimes born out of wisdom and talent - brought to life by brilliant minds admired by all cultured people, of every nation?

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

11th November, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 11th November, 2018


i 'll agree that the plan maybe other than just tax the church property(where did she get it really? ) but isn't suspicious that the church leaders are acting pathetically to these actions, for decades now? All they care is not to lose their salary and tax privileges for themselves.. That's why new generations don't care !

Καλησπέρα Πραγματικά είναι πάρα πολύ ωραίο το άρθρο που έχεις γράψει... πιστεύω ότι πρέπει η εκκλησία να φορολογηθεί για την περιουσία που έχει.... Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα γίνει αδύναμη...
Μέχρι στιγμής οποίος γίνεται πάπας γίνεται για τα χρήματα σε αυτή τη χώρα για τίποτα άλλο...
Σπάνια βλέπεις παπάδες οπως πρέπει να είναι... Να κάνουν το έργο τους... Τώρα θα μείνουν όσοι πραγματικά θέλουν να κάνουν έργο..
(επίσης να ξέρεις ότι οι παπάδες που κάνουν πραγματικό έργο στην Ελλάδα είναι χωρίς μισθό)...
Όπως και να χει πρέπει να έχουμε τα μάτια μας ανοιχτά...
Ήμασταν είμαστε και θα είμαστε χριστιανοί....
Η Ελλάδα είναι μία χώρα που πιστεύει και δεν θα γίνει ποτέ αθεη...

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