Mushrooming With Great Great-Grandpa ~ Monochrome Monday - April 23 ~ Original Photography and Very Short Discussion ~

in #greatgreatgrandpashroomn6 years ago (edited)

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A Day In The Woods

Knowledge, passed down through four living generations, possesses joy and worth beyond all Earthly measure





Thanks for stopping in and viewing the latest in the Monochrome Monday challenge. If you have any thoughts about multi-generational forays into the woods in Black and White, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 04/23/2018 @ 15:32

P1050887-1 48kb no name.jpg

Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 64

Mushroom girl Cheetah claws UPDATED.PNG


Nice capture that tells it's own story!!!

Wow, am I behind on here. Thanks, it was a fun day out in the woods. And though I don't know doodly about them, a LOT of mushrooms were found. (I'm just the photographer...)

One word " Beautiful"

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed the image. It was a special time indeed.

What a beautiful picture dear friend @ddschteinn, congratulations
I wish you a beautiful week

Thank you, my friend. Glad you enjoyed it. It was a very nice family time in the woods. I wish you a wonderful week as well.

Excellent moment with grandpa in the forest ;) The best day ever ;)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. A very special time indeed. Things that will never be forgotten.

This is so true. Beautiful memories :) My grandfather was good at picking mushrooms as well as my dad. :)

Did you pick up any of the knowledge from them? It is quite and art form, knowing what to do and what to eat. I am far from it so far.

This is a grandfather with his granddaughter teaching him about nature?

Hello, this is a great grandfather, teaching his great granddaughter about the how-to of mushroom picking in the woods.

My translator often says other things hahaha but if I understood that it had to do with grandparents, I liked the picture I think the message is very well explained

I forget sometimes people are using a translator. I should try harder to write more plainly, rather than with all the Schteinn-languages (good luck with THAT one, translator). You do very well on here writing and all. It would be next to impossible for me in anything but English. Good job all around. Have a nice night.

Thank you very much, do you know any word in Spanish?

I took Spanish in high school, but without using it much, it has gone away for the most part. I was never good at conversation. Again, no one to practice with. I still remember some basics. Not very impressive, I'm afraid.

What words do you remember? Hola? They say that learning to speak Spanish is a bit more difficult

Hola. Como esta? I think that's right. Or at least in my memory. It seemed a bit difficult to me, though I think it would be easier to learn as an adult. We were kind of goofy back in those days ( :

Thank you for posting @ddschteinn.

Lovely photograph for Monochrome Monday.

Lovely thought of this tradition being passed down generation after generation.

Appreciate the opportunity to think on these things.

Thanks, I'm a little behind on here. Glad you enjoyed the photo and sentiment. It was a special time, and a fun day out in the woods of Arkansas.

Nice photo with great moment and very short discussion! Ah! I can imagine their conversation….. ;)

Thank you, my friend. Glad you enjoyed the woods moment. They were very busy, as was that one guy behind the camera. No shroomin' for me, but that might be good, as I don't know too many of them. I'll just stick to photogs. Have a nice weekend.

You're welcome! Have a wonderful weekend, GFF! ;)

Hello greetings @ddschteinn I hope you're fine. Excellent photo really, beautiful, inspires to look at it because it is as if we moved and we were there in that place. Beautiful, always the grandparents or great grandparents teaching their grandchildren, really that the grandparents are the best there is, because with their majority of age and experience, what they do is to teach the children and tell their stories. Beautiful image, thank you.

I love this image, it speaks volumes of stories.

As one who is childless, I have never yet progressed from the one gathering the mushrooms and having been taught to the one teaching. The idle wasted time of the introverted self involved artist, now how would I photograph that? Oh yeah, I'd just make endless silly paintings.
Now I need to go for a woods walk today, I haven't gathered any good moss lately.

The world needs more endless silly paintings, that's for sure. Glad you enjoyed this day out in the woods with GG'pa. It was a fun day, and enjoyable to see the cross-generational interactions. I never had the joy of child-rearing either. And no-doubt never will, but have been more like you. Doing my own thing. I think it's nice to have a balance in the world, those that do, those that don't. Coming from a don't, so maybe there is bias there. We won't get into that. I'm just fine with being the odd uncle.

So funny you need to go out to collect moss. Funny in an interesting way. When I worked in the woods, we lived for a time in rented houses on a ranger station compound. All of us collected so much stuff from the woods. Bones, rocks, feathers, moss, wood chunks, conks, dead bugs, dead other things, fish skeletons, odd-shaped sticks, wasp nests, bones (said that already, seemed to be lots of bones), leaves, and just about everything else under the sun-dappled canopy. It is part of the whole being in nature thing. I still collect, but not as much. No room to put it. I did find some really cool iron concretions awhile back, I still need to do a post on that. I was fascinated with them as a yout. Well, I'm babbling on here and this comment is about as old as some of the dirt we used to drag home. But as someone said somewhere at some time or another, better late than never. Wonder if that holds water for commenting on a website too...

A perfect way to make memories!

Nothing like the wisdom of grandparents being imparted to the young, and when it's a great grandparent, that makes it even cooler. Wow, am I behind on Steemit. What ELSE is new, I guess...

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