It is difficult to find a person who does not like Hugh Jackman ... Every character he has appeared is amazing ... last year LOGAN 2017 has made him like every other fan in the same kind of crying ... just like the other character is new to him.
Yes, I'm talking about THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (2017) ... a movie that has not been filmed for a moment that it's a boring thing ... sometimes a story, sometimes an extraordinary song, sometimes or extraordinary visual effects And keep screen with kayografi ... and you too .. It's a musical movie RR every song Catchi ... There are many motivational dialogues and some amazing and memorable scenes ... all it was a magical experience for me .. 😊
The story of the movie is about a famous American business show "PT Baranam" in America. By this, this huge show business of America produces ... a musical story about the life of a person who started bare hands and created a huge show Business ... and it was called the world. Its success, its wrong,, the joy has been shown in the movie .. 😊
Do not delay to see the movie .. It's a must watch as i think .. 😊