Cracking open some Nickelodeon NFT packs from Funko.

A video I definitely haven't been dragging my crusty ass on putting out, nah. Not at all, I definitely didn't record opening these packs at the very start of the month or anything. What do you think I am, some sort of bloated, half dead sloth? Anyways, Funko released these NFT's at the start of the month and there was and still is quite a bit of hype for them. If you're unfamiliar with Funko, they are a toy company that is very popular around the world. Especially with greasy man children and cringe lords. Thankfully, I'm just only slightly greasy. The big appeal with their NFT's is that several of the harder to find ones are available to be redeemed for a physical product later on, all of which are limited to small amounts. There's also a royalty set to complete where you collect each of every common to epic rarity cards, which grants you a token for a redeemable pop as well.

I did a little bit of editing with my video, but, I decided not to price out the epic rarity cards since they're only a small amount. Any low mint NFT's that I get as well I won't be pricing out, because the pricing is so all over the place for them in the Funko community.

Anyways, enjoy the gamba video, yo.



was totally unaware these existed. I see you had a $230 one in there. Is this more than you paid for the entire lot?

Yeah, the first pack I opened in the video was $30, the rest were $10. So, I walked out ahead value wise by a fair amount with the two redeemable figures I pulled. It's all obviously dependent on luck, but, even if you only pull common-epic cards, so long as you get each of every card available you can still get a $200 product out of it later on.

You can see though why someone like me who is addicted to opening up pokemon cards and hunting for chase stuff and shit like that would be tweaking my nipples over it.

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