
Good for you! I am thankful and grateful every day so I heartily agree with your article. It is really easy to get on in life if one follows a few basic guidelines and being grateful is right up there - with forgiveness, equally important for a full and healthy life.
Waking up in the morning is the first thing I am always grateful for. Not everyone who lays down to sleep tonight will wake up tomorrow. So it seems a fitting place to start with ones daily gratitude. Just bow down to the life force within you for hanging around another day =)
Have a blissful weekend and thanks for this awesome article.

I totally agree with you.
The fact that we are here, alive and breathing is such a blessing, that even if nothing else, we should be grateful for that.
Thank you for your comment, it's so nice to connect with like-minded people! <3

thanks it is nice to know you too xx

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