Massive Thanks and Gratitude to the hundreds of people who have guided and moulded me into the woman I am today.. Very Blessed..

in #gratitude7 years ago

Throughout the posts on this site I will be sharing many of the lessons I have learned in life, and also many lessons of friends, loved ones & Mentors that I have learned from over the years, a few years I wrote a book and never got around to getting it published so I've decided to share it via posts ..
The book was designed to take you on a journey of your mind, body, spirit and soul to awaken genius trapped inside your conditioned body, to unlock your creativity, to empower your spirit, and to love your life & most important to help you live with more Passion, Purpose, Love and Gratitude.

There are stories that will make you laugh, and there are stories that will touch your heart.
Even though I've had a lot of heartache in my life and I have had lots of beautiful treasured moments, I feel my life is truly blessed and I am grateful everyday for everything I do have and everything I don't have. Life could be so much worse!
Living in Australia is a blessing.. We live in such a lucky country. Especially when you see the turmoil going on in so many countries around the world today.

My posts will also contain Life Lessons from speakers I have heard at seminars, from friends, new and old, and from my “online” friends I have yet to meet in person. I wish to thank everybody in my life that has touched my heart and soul in so many ways. This post is not big enough to thank you all, but you know who you are.

Thank you to my friends and family who fill my life with love and teach me many lessons. Some lessons I don't want to learn; some lessons I need to learn and some lessons I want to learn. I want to thank every speaker I have heard who filled my mind with lots of little gold nuggets to take with me everywhere I go.

I want to thank my ex-boss, friend and mentor Jamie McIntyre. He is the one who started me on this journey of creating a life full of Personal Development, abundance and Gratitude. Thank you for giving me the flexibility to work from home in my own hours to accommodate my health needs. Thank you for being the mentor that showed me there was a gift in everything, even if at times I couldn't see the gift. For only allowing me two minutes to “kick the cat” when I got in the shits (I will explain later- no cats have ever really being kicked). Thank you for making me realise that the power of words can change my physiology in a heartbeat and for showing me that I'm an amazing woman that can do anything I put my mind to, And thank you for still accepting me as part of the 21st Century Education family even now after I’ve been gone for many years..
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I would like to thank all the men that I've loved and lost for teaching me so many lessons about how to love others, but mostly about how to love myself.

I would Like to Thank all my Dr’s & Nurses who have helped me over the last 9 years Especially my GP Dr Mirza, & my Two Neurosurgeons Professor Mark Sheridan (Liverpool hospital) & Dr Niki Maartens (Alfred Hospital) and all the wonderful nurses who looked after me, changed my dressings & cleaned up my spew ☹ ect

I would like to thank my teachers, mostly the ones who didn't believe in me and thought that I would amount to nothing. Thank you for kicking me out of class “to get outside and watch the grass grow” because I had time to be in my own head and not fill it full of the 19th century crap that you were teaching. Thanks for writing on my report card that “I talk too much,” which is really quite ironic. Because now, I get paid to speak !

I wish to thank SARK for the creative masterpieces we call her books.. Your words and spirit have touched
My heart and soul for many years, and I am so truly grateful to have allowed you into my world to enrich and nurture my soul...
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I want to thank Karen Druker for her beautiful soulful music of healing, love, gratitude and self love your music was my meditation to help me through many dark days so thank you from my soul xxx

I Wish to thank Every Speaker I have Ever learnt from there are so many and I know i’m going to miss so out .. so if I did I’m sorry I thank you too xxx but here goes in not particular order, Jamie Mcintyre, Lou Harty, Justin Herald, Tony Robbins, Kerwin Rae, Regan Hillyer, Armand Morin, Tony Christenson, Jen Apprenur, Richard Branson, Bob Proctor, Sherry Davis- Selak, Rach Wilson, Gina K Carre’, Eric Bailey, Johnnie Cass, Dale Beaumont, Dr John De Martini, SARK, Bessie Bardot, Ita Butrose, Andrew Morello, Jordon Belfort (Wolf Of Wall St), George Focus, Peter Bland, Joanna Martin, Bill Stacey, Chris Howard, Craig Jervis, Nik Lucas, Pat Mesiti, John Assaraf , Perry Cross, Jack Delosa , Andrew Baxter Tim Paulson, Jim Rohn, Marc Accetta, Michael Sloggett, Jason Grossman and so many more ….

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I know I have forgotten people and that was only the one's I could remember off the top of my head that did not include the weekly speakers that inspired me for 2 years every Wed morning at the Business Swap Breakfast meeting, monthly Business In Heels events or one of the hundreds of motivational or inspirational events I've been to over the years.

I would Like to thank my IH family for your love and support without them and connecting with others that are going through what I’m experiencing I think I would of gone insane..

I want to thank Magic Moments - Basket Brigade a charity I have been volunteering with for 10 years with and I'm now the National Coordinator for, Basket Brigade has shown me that to help someone in need you don't always need to have money to help people, you just need to care, we feed over 4,100 families that are struggling financially every christmas, I have learnt that if you cant feed 100 families just feed 1. Every hamper makes a difference. While we always need donations we are always looking for Volunteers that can help us source donations of food, toys and cash. You could host a Sausage sizzle or run a toy or food drive at your work or sports centre.. Every little bit helps.

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Saving the best till last I wish to thank my family and friends, your love, support and friendship. You have helped me through some of the hardest times in my life and I don’t know where I would be without you xx My Gratitude for you can not be spoken in words it must just be felt from every fibre of my heart and soul .. I would not be the person I am today without the constant love, support, compassion & understanding of my mum, dad and sister Kylie.. I love you all to infinity and beyond.
Live with Passion, Purpose, Love & Gratitude
Nikki G

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