in #gratitude7 years ago



Every once in a while, you can reap the rewards of having kids.

You try to instill wholesome values and appreciation in them, but let's face it - we f#%! things up, too.

My kids? They're awesome. Creative adventurers trying to be the best people they can be. They work hard, and smart.

I learned about parenting from them. Mainly UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, LETTING GO, and PATIENCE.

Grownups now (when did that happen?!), I'm still learning from my kids. They keep introducing me to ideas that broaden my thinking and shape my life.

And they have loved me through my own ups and downs.

Out of Nowhere

Imagine my delight when I received this text from one of my kids:


And in the span of a couple weeks, another of my offspring described me to a friend,

My mom is a badass!

It wasn't even Mothers Day or my birthday.

Just a surprise -- and another reason to be grateful!

Easy vs. Hard Gratitude

This gratitude is easy. Getting this kind, okay, any kind of feedback from your kids doesn't happen often. Hmm. Maybe that means I don't give feedback often enough myself. I'll have to explore that.

But, the hard gratitude - finding things to be thankful for in trying times - that's a challenge. When I have been able to do it, the difficulties were easier to overcome, and I felt inner growth as a result.

I'm a fan of gratitude - easy and hard. Both are rewarding!

Image1 labeled for reuse Image2 @mhrose

Amen! Where did those years go...fledgelings leave the nest to have fledgelings of their own. Time flies by, but I wouldn't trade any of it for the tea in China.

Well said

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