STOP! A Brief Moment of Gratitude for Steemit and the Great People Here!

in #gratitude7 years ago

Many of my Steemit posts are inspired by discussions and debates (and sometimes "fights") I come across on the web... I will pick pretty much any topic I come across that feels like it would benefit from the more cordial and intelligent discussion we seem to have here on Steemit.

A Look at What is RIGHT on Steemit

A peaceful view for a moment of reflection

I like to pause to reflect on exactly that level of respect from time to time-- much as we sometimes gripe and moan about what's going "wrong" here in our community, one of the awesome things is the relative lack of petty infighting and mudslinging people seem to engage in on other social media platforms.

Although Steemit has become my primary outlet for blogging and writing, I do visit a lot of other venues, still... and frankly, the quality of content... and the way we discuss things respectfully here is second to none.

Yes, I know there are exceptions.

That's just part of life... there will always be a few rotten apples in the bushel.

This morning I was (once again) reminded why I largely stopped using Facebook, starting with the US Presidential primaries last year. 

I watched several "friends" (i.e. "people I have had online connections to for many years") go at each other in what started as a discussion of the political impact on schools, but quickly disintegrated into a mean-spirited "shouting match" in which several people ended up blocking each other.

And they weren't trolling, they were just being plain nasty to each other.

"Ah yes," I thought to myself, "this is why I really don't miss Farcebook."

Gratitude Matters!

The interesting part of this little reminder was that I also realized that even if we didn't get rewarded here, I'd probably still use this as my primary writing platform. Even without rewards, we're still better off than most other places.

Our santolina in bloom...

Anyway, this wasn't AT ALL the post I set out to write, but I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for this community... to those who created it, and to the many people who make it great. And I encourage you to do the same... especially if you have been a bit obsessive about pointing out Steemit's "faults."


It's easy to complain endlessly about everything that is wrong... but it matters to pause and be thankful for what's right.

Last-- but certainly not least-- a tip of the hat to @karenmckersie who regularly runs the "Power of Positivity" challenge here on Steemit. No, I don't consider this an official entry in the contest, but it was definitely inspired by it-- thanks Karen!

I shall now return to my regularly scheduled programming!

How About YOU? Do you still use other social media, apart from Steemit? Does it seem like we are more courteous and respectful than other venues? Does it seem like we have fewer trolls here? Fewer "rough and rude" arguments? Have you paused to take a moment of thankful reflection, recently? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 171111 16:21 PDT


We should be thankful everyday for the amazing people we have met here that guide us everyday

1 month ago using facebook was kinda addiction for me.. i would use at least 2 hours per day.. . nowadays its maximum 5-10 minutes.. its all because of steemit.. thanks to steemit for changing my life style! #Happysteemiting

Wow! This post totally resonates with how I feel at the moment. Facebook is nothing more than a place for people to spread hatred and be really mean and offensive with each other. I cant believe how nasty people whom I had previously considered friends can be. I have literally had to stop going to facebook because of such hatred and negativity. I have recently done a facebook cull on my friends list. You can read about it on my blog from about a week ago.

Amazing post really nice & mind touch blog😁..I like this👌.😍😍

Great content!
Your pictures are also well placed in the post! good job

Gratitude really does matter. There is enough negativity in the world as it is. I am so grateful that Steemit is a place of mostly positivity. Yes, there are a few, but we can chose to ignore them. I have a Facebook account that I never used. I didn't like what I heard and saw from other friends experiences so I never ventured into that realm. I too, will stay the course with Steemit...

I hate FB it brings me down with all the stupid status's and posts about animals being abused. Steemit is much nicer :)

every day this morning so beautiful. very nice post.

"Ah yes," I thought to myself, "this is why I really don't miss Farcebook."

There is a difference here at steemit (more intellectual, thinkers not just posters), more real in a way that I have not found the right words to clarify, folks here have more joy within themselves and it really does show in their writing.

Yes a few trolls have came here but the good ones here far out weigh the bad and the trolls don't last.

And yes I am very thankful for this platform here, for here is a place where we can be free to speak what lays on our hearts and souls and not have it turn into a battle ground like fedbook for simply saying anything.

Steemit is filled with amazing people and I am, of course thankful for that. I also hope that these people learn the benefits of an intelligent and respectful discussion, but sadly there will always be those who just don't get it.
Thanks for sharing!

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