3 Ways To Show Gratitude To Your Parents, Contributed by Anonymous

in #gratitude7 years ago

Nothing can replace your family, not even your close friends. Sure, they can become a part of your family but they won't be able to replace existing members of your family until you let it happen. We all have the special level of respect and love for our parents, even if any of us denies that we don't love them, it's reality, it's probably a lie.

Because we love our parents, it is important to show them that we really do love them. Trust me, you can't have any idea how much pain your mother had to go through when you were in her womb. She kept you in her womb for 9 months and when you came in the world, you were helpless and could not live for long if it weren't for her blessing.

If you've got some hard feelings toward your parents, don't forget about the pain they had to go through while caring for you. If you're 15 years old now, that's the result of continuous efforts and hard work of your parents. Ponder on and contemplate that; you'll realize that your parents deserve your love, gratitude, and attention. Now that you are hopefully more thankful, it's time to show it to parents that you love them. But how? In this article, we'll discuss some of the effective ways to appreciate your parents.


1 - Spend time with them

Nothing shows more appreciation than spending time with family, especially with parents. They know that your time is valuable because they've gone through what you are going right now, whichever age you might be. Parents know that it's hard for kids to show gratitude, especially during the teenage years, because they are overly busy with some things that they consider important. That's why your time is considered precious by your parents.

Spend time with them and talk about their favorite topics with them. Don't start the topics which make them feel depression and stress. Cheer them up and pay compliments to them. Remember not to be rude in any case because you don't have the right to be rude in front of your parents.


2 - Share positive things with them

Is your dad active on Facebook or any other social media? If yes, that's a great opportunity to show appreciation and gratitude in front of other people. Nothing melts the heart more than showing gratitude in front of the public and realizing what they've done for you in the past. And no, you don't really need to wait for a Father's day or Mother's day to do so.

If you don't have time to visit with them, make a phone call and talk with them. After all, every employer gives a little break time to the employees so you can't have any excuse of having no time to contact. You would never be able to spare your time if you didn't want to, it's all about what you want to do.

3 - Buy them gifts and their favorite foods

Buying the favorite food of your parents and doing dinner with them will make your parents much happier. I speak from experience. One of the reasons your parents probably had children is so they'd have someone to care for them as they grew older. Buying an occasional meal for them will go a long way in showing them that you plan to take care of them.


You know better about the things that your parents like. Buy their favorite item and neatly wrap it to make it look even more special. No, you don't need to wait for any specific occasion to give presents. Imagine the happiness and joy your surprise gifts would bring to your parents!

Mother and father, they are treasures and we must preserve them like gold.


I remember, two weeks ago, I met a retired 60 years old solider. He was there to attend a wedding and I had gone to his villiage with my firends.We had quite interesting discussion with him and he was telling us his experiences of life and words of wisdom. In the end, he said, no one else matters, please take care of your family, mainly your Parents and siblings.

Hmmm...I feel like I'm in an interesting spot in my life with my relationship with my parents. My parents raised me up to make me feel indebted to them, like I owe them something. You can argue, yes, it's true my mother birthed me out and it was hard raising kids, but it was THEIR decision to have children. Now that I'm a mom, I don't want my kid to feel like they have to take care of me when I'm old or they have to show gratitude just because I'm their parent. I want to them to show love and gratitude because I was a great role model to them. I'm not sacrificing for my kid. I'm continuing to improve and being a better me and as a ripple effect, they will see that and catch on and be better people. Only then can true love and gratitude be shown.

Parents actually want to spend a lot of time with us but do not know how to ask so they do it the hard way by denying us allowance and stipends and by grounding us. When i discovered this it made me cry..
Am so bad at calling but i also observed they derive loads of joy when we call and say

I just wanted to hear your voice and check up on you. makes them feel appreciated, wanted, cherished, still relevant.

A very interesting and teaching post about parents!!!
It's out of the question that everyone must pay high attention and respect to them because they are the reason for our existence.
Parents are the only people in their hole life, who love their children for both their assets and their defects.

This is a beautiful post, parents are so important and thank you for encouraging everyone to take the time and think about how much they mean to our lives! In my opinion you can't spend enough time with parents and everyone should take advantage of time they have with them!

Parents are one group of people that deserve gratification. They paid the ultimate price in ensuring that we are in this world.

Some even go the extra mile to give us the neccesary support to be who we are at the moment.

Let's take time to appreciate our parents. Interesting tips @jwolf

The three points are really exceptional... Your post take thumb up from me, I love my parents no matter what they have done to hurt me. I don't wanna see their mistakes anymore... I appreciate them. Great post sir

Beautifully said and so true. Family is the most valuable thing

So true. One can realise it when one becomes a parent oneself. My respect for my parents grew manyfolds, when I became a parent myself and experienced first hand how much efforts are required to raise a child.

Great thought provoking post.

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