
@nikolina Amazing, good to see you attracted these events and places. Your VB pics are similar to what you shown at right side.

I've been also into loa stuff but sometimes I attracted a few things, events in no time and sometimes for others stuff (which are on my top of the list) seems like I'm yet to attract them.

I certainly don't use VB but I'm thinking to get or make one. There's no doubt loa works I've seen many examples in my life but I yet to know the answer why it takes time for other things for ex: I tried to attract the person in my life and chose one but that person is no where, I guess that person still doesn't like me whereas I'm far much better than many others when it comes to the choices which that person has.

After a long time I decided to let that person go and attract whosoever is right for me (may be the first one isn't good for me as universe wants me to stay away from that person) but still other is also no where.

I'm not trying to discourage you, just sharing my experience and also trying to figure out how to do it in a right way. In fact I myself believe in loa. This also comes from my heart as I couldn't control myself to share this after reading your inspirational post (just the other day I joined Steemit and written my first post and here I'm into emotional stuff, kind of emotion person I am)...

Thank you so much for your comment!
I was in a similar situation as you. When I first found out about LOA, I was trying to attract a person based on their physical appearance and I got exactly what I described but it turned out the guy was not that great as a person. I fell in love and it ended up as a heartbreak for me. After that I created a very bad image about men in general and guess what kind of guys ended up in my life? Pretty much the same as the one I dated. My self confidence was low and I thought that I will never meet a good guy. I was also stuck in the past, couldn't really move on and forgive. I was destroying myself emotionally. I was a mess, to be honest. Couple year ago I ended up with someone who (again) didn't take me seriously and it was another emotional torture. Then I decided to end it. It was so painful but I just could't take it anymore. Few months after that I met a guy who was visiting my country and we got to hang out one afternoon. Nothing happened between us, but he totally changed my perception about men. He was one of the nicest guys I met and I feel like meeting him really had a purpose to teach me something. For that, I am so grateful.
So I would say to enjoy your single time, know your worth, don't be with someone just for the sake of not being single, try to figure out how you can move on from any bad experiences you had in the past and forgive people who have hurt you and forgive yourself. Open up your heart and mind, use affirmations and vision board, if you feel like it, to keep your mind focused on positivity and inspiration. Fill your time doing things you enjoy and remember that we all deserve to be loved. I believe that there is a right time for everything, so just be patient. You cannot force anything, you just have to believe and let the God, Universe or whatever you believe in, do the work. Don't focus on that one person who's probably not even the right match for you, you might be missing out meeting someone better. :)
I hope this was helpful. :)

You actually helped me to take a decision firmly, I thought about the same what you wrote in last 5-6 sentences but I wasn't certain, now I decided to forget that person and forgive. Equally important forgive myself by giving torture to think again and again. It seems TRUE the person might look attractive but for will not be the right person for me or may hurt me more so let it go.

I did this a few times but this time I gotta do it strongly, once and for all. As we say in loa, let the old stuff go to make a space so that new stuff comes in.

Thank you your conversation is a blessing for me, I will follow it. Love ye

That's right girl!
Take your time, there's so many blog posts and videos on You Tube about this subject if you need some inspiration. You can also write down some affirmations on a piece of paper or your phone and read them in the morning or whenever you feel like it.
I'm always here to talk about this subject as well! Good luck on your new journey towards much better life! :)

Thanks you so much I'm going to do a few thing right now.
I guess I got another friends here <3

What time is "almost Friday day?" I'm very curious, please enlighten me.
Ahhh, maybe it's time for another Rakija?
hmmm, no that's not right...
Yes, now I know, enjoyable and tasty mulled wine. ;-D

Mulled wine, yeees!
But this Friday I am actually going out so we have to switch things up a little bit, haha!
(rakija is definitely not on my menu, can't stand that drink!) lol

After your post I will definitely make my own vision board.
Thank you @nikolina!

Yay, I'm so happy to hear that!! :)))

Nice vision board @nikolina and thanks for the tips on how to make one.
That is really cool how some of these life goals, became a reality for you.

Thank you so much!
It really is cool and very inspiring, if it's used the right way. I would definitely recommend trying it out, especially if you are more of a visual type of person.

I made a vision board when I was in El Salvador and I had it for good 5 years, but it got destroyed, but I still see the pictures in my head and I still visualize them.
I made another vision board, which is quite different but still the same ideas.

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