I love children <3
Aside from being Ma'am Gen in the academe in the tertiary level, I am also the teacher Gen of our children's ministry of our local church, Jesus Is Alive. Although now, I am missing educating these young minds primarily because of the schedule I have in school and can't be scheduled to teach. But every sunday, I am very much excited to share moments with them specially when I am going to be their teacher. :)
Here are some of our documented moments:
Aside from being tagged as teacher Gen, I am also the "Ate Gen/Tita Gen of these cutiie niece, nephew and cousins of mine.
Our babies in the faculty:
And among these babies, my favorite babe would be my younger sister who was my little baby before but now my grown up beautiful lady
Thank you for dropping by!
A comment, resteem and upvote is highly appreciated :)
hello mam bebang hehehe
hahahahahahha! ANYAMUTTEN data bebang manen uncle Hahahahahah
God bless you teacher Gen :-)
Thank you po mam shirley :)