
I'm so happy for you brother!! Congratulations Papa! Are you going to name him Muppim, Huppim, or Ard? Personally I would go with Ard. All joking aside I'm very happy for you!

May Yehovah bless your son mightily, may his knowledge and understanding of the Torah exceed that of anyone in his generation. May he grow up strong and brave and have a heart zealous for Yehovah. May mountains fall before him and may his enemies lay gold and silver at his feet. May your home and his always stand as a refuge for the lost, tired and broken.

Thank you for that blessing, it means a lot to us. Bless the Most High! @ironshield

Wow good news, how i wish i can tap into your happiness right now, Here from Nigerian and steemians worldwide rejoice with you as we welcome our steem baby.
#happy family.

I'm amazed that so many people are able to rejoice with me, all over! Thank you! I am very excited and happy! @ironshield

pleasure is mine, am now part of your fam.

Oh yea! Congrats! I'm just seeing this!! Heading to read the whole story! :)

Congratulations! Hope both mother and baby are doing well.

Baby and mother are doing very well. Even got to enjoy some turkey dinner today! @ironshield

Congratulations. Look at that tired but happy mama. Enjoy him and God bless him all of his days.

I will enjoy raising this little boy up. Bless the Most High! @ironshield

Congratulations!!! And well done !!beautiful boy!!!

He's beautiful! Congrats!

Wow congratulations @ironshield Thank you Lord Jesus.

Thank Him everyday! @ironshield

Congrats man, what a special moment, thanks for sharing.

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