[Grateful Vibes #19] I'm Grateful for Outings with My Family

in #gratefulvibes7 years ago (edited)

My oldest scratched her nose and it's very noticable in the photo.

I'm grateful for outings with my family.

Today is our water sample day, so we all got in the car and drove to the location. I collected the samples while the family waited in the nice warm car. On our way back we stopped at a restaurant for lunch.

Girls are making faces for the camera.

My oldest is now saying "is that for your steeeeemit post?" LOL! My girls are beginning to enjoy Fridays because of our family outings. It's about an hour and half drive round trip and we enjoy stopping to eat on the way home, since it's usually around lunch time.

Impress them upon your children.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7

We are commanded by the Creator of the Universe to talk about the Love of God and His commandments as we walk along the road - but to be honest, it's much easier to not. More often it's "Do you have your seatbelt on?" or "Don't hit your sister!" or "Don't make me come back there!"

When God says to talk about the commandments as we travel, I don't think God is telling us to discuss the details of Levitical grain offerings as we travel. I believe He wants us to remember Him and His Word throughout the day. To place Him first in our minds. Impress His Righteousness upon our children, that they may love Him with all of their heart.

Seek first the Reign of God and His Righteousness. Matthew 6:33

May we always seek the righteousness of God, before we ever seek our own righteousness.


This is Day 19 of 70 of @paradise-found's #gratefulvibes challenge.



Thank you! @ironshield

I believe He wants us to remember Him and His Word throughout the day. To place Him first in our minds. Impress His Righteousness upon our children, that they may love Him with all of their heart.

I couldn't agree more. This is so important and so easy to neglect.

I have to remind myself everyday. I hope to teach my children to remind themselves everyday. @ironshield

Amen!! I love the scripture you used! You have such a beautiful family. I am a stay at home mom and I have the privilege to homeschool all four of my children. The first thing we do before doing seat work is pray, read our memory verses and then do devotion. The most important thing for our children to learn is about the Lord, that comes first in our household. He really does want us to meditate on His Word daily and teach our children His ways. God Bless you and your family. I enjoyed reading your Grateful Vibes! 😊

Thank you very much for your comment. I am happy for you and your children, that you are seeking the will of God first and keeping them near to you. Your children have been given an amazing gift. Haven't we all? Bless the Most High! @ironshield

You are very welcome! Thank you so much! We are truly blessed by the Most High! Children are an inheritance from the Lord and we are so blessed to have them! Amen!!!

Oh no! Only 50 days left? Yikes. Anyway, I've never eaten at Steak N Shake but I've had an ice cream there. Yum. It always makes me think, "It's steak n shake and I helped" - that shake n bake commercial from years ago. @panamapilgrim said we ate there once, but I don't remember. How do parents these days impress anything on their children if they are always playing video games, watching TV and the parents are on the computer? Hmmm...maybe I should get off of steemit here in a second. :)

I know the feeling. I'm writing a steemit post while my wife is giving the girls a bath. She is also addressing some selfishness issues. Pretty soon, the roles will be reversed as she recovers from the home-birth. @ironshield

Oh yea! You have a homebirth coming up? That's awesome! I had three of my babies at home! :) Congrats - I pray all goes well there! I enjoy your posts. :)

Good for you! This is our 4th home-birth and we've been very happy with all of them so far. We've been blessed with uncomplicated births. We have a hospital 5 minutes away, but thankfully we've never had to use their services. @ironshield

So nice! Glad this is available for you there! Homebirth is "illegal" here in Panama, although we know that a lot of the indigenous birth at home. I had 2 hospital births at first (Pitocin, epidural) before I looked into it and educated myself.

@ironshield ,
You have been truly blessed with beautiful children. I think it is great that you have a "Friday family day" plan that they can look forward too.
Take good care of them,

Thank you, yes our Friday outings are fun and something my children look forward to. I've committed my life to care of them, everyday. @ironshield

Looks like a good time to me. Kids scratch themselves everyday. It shows they are being kids. I have 15 in my VPK class and they scatch themselves a lot.

It's really noticeable in the photo, I figured I would mention it. Yes, children always seem to get bumps, scratches and bruises. It's not just the boys that trip or fall or run into things. :-)


I was a tom boy as a child and always getting hurt. I even fell off a tractor and had my hair ran over.

Thank the Lord it was just your hair!!
So glad to be your friend today!!

I was lucky the tractor was pulling a hay wagon atthe time and my Dad stopped the tractor right a way. I am glad to have you as a friend also.

Yikes! I'm glad it was just your hair! @ironshield

Me too. I blame that accident for me having straight hair until I was 10 years old

LoL! Permanent press.

Ha ha ah.. (i'm glad we can laugh about it today! ) @ironshield

Such cute girls!! So much to be grateful for!!
God bless you my friend!!

Bless the Most High! Thank you @paradise-found! @ironshield

gratitude is an action , many including myself forget that....lovely post and photos

It actually takes practice to be grateful, it does not come naturally! Thank you for stopping by! @ironshield

Such a sweet post :)
your girls are so cute tip!

Thank you! Wow a tip! That's very special to me! Whoo hoo! This is greatly appreciated! @ironshield

😎👍 cheers 👍😎

These kids arw so beautiful and nice... I just crush about that..

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