Winter Forecast 2018–2019 Northern Hemisphere

This Forecast was published on August 30, 2018

A quick FYI, I am backing up this entire channel on YouTube over to BITCHUTE also adapt 2030. Thank you so much, I am so happy and so grateful that we as our community have reached 750 videos in this series talking about the changes that you’ve seen and the changes you can expect.

I’m going to start you off here with the Farmer’s Almanac, they use a combination of Moon, Sun, sunspots, and repeating cycles through history to get a forecast going out and this year, they have forecast above normal precipitation.

Significant snowfalls in all parts of the United States and Canada. This is specific to the United States, but I am saying right now it is going to sweep the Northern Hemisphere, Asia, Europe will have the same conditions.

Using their mathematical and astronomical formulas, winter of 2018–19 will be something you will remember, arctic air, bitter winds, sharp drops in temperature, widespread snow, frigid weather especially in February. Notice how they pointed out Virginia’s zone, again this was forecast when he looked back at the paintings during the Revolutionary War late 1700’s 1776, for those of you who don’t know American history that war being fought Washington dragged cannons across several of the waterways that have not frozen in centuries.

It’s all about the sunspots, taking a look where we’re moving out into 2020 and further into 2030–2035, back into something as low as the Dalton Minimum in the 1800’s, straight above on the top there you’ll see 1800 to 1820 extremely low, sunspot count.

Forecast moving out is also going to usher in cooler temperatures and reduce crop yields globally, that’s mainly what the ADAPT 2030 channel is about. Reductions in crop yields based on past cycles and also forecasting out what the Solar Cycles are going to do, how that will affect our jet streams?

Case in point Italian forecasters think Solar Minimum is now causing global cooling. That’s a very interesting read, it’s over on Robert Felix’s site “”.

If we do the back into the 1640’s era 1642–1710 specifically, we can find these are the areas on the global Northern Hemisphere map that dropped in temperature. How much it dropped in temperature, almost a full two-degrees Celsius. As we march forward with all the reports of August snows across the Northern Hemisphere, I want you to see if those record snow and cold areas are in that dark blue, and if we’re matching anything on the cycles. Last year you see North Africa we had record snows record cold across Morocco.

Over here to what is a known pattern on the North Atlantic water temperatures and how that in turn affects European fronts moving through with cold and snow. Hudson Bay, that thing is going to freeze in an instant as soon as the air temperatures start to drop, it is looking three to four degrees Celsius below normal water temperatures. You know air and water very different, it takes an enormous amount of thermal mass to try to heat something compared to cool it. Extreme cold blob sitting off of the eastern Maritimes of Canada, that’s that water that’s being pushed into the Arctic now, so look for unexplainable increased ice coverage.

This is the reason that the sea ice is not melting as forecast, because the water is two to three degrees Celsius below normal now flowing under the ice. It’s not going to melt as fast from this year forward as the pulse going up in there is going to be comprised of this cooler water for the next nine years.

Taking a rundown “”, the Earth Changes and a lot of articles about snow in August across the Northern Hemisphere, I’m just going to follow some of these the links that were provided.

Starting off with the “IRONMAN” cancelled in Austria due to severe weather with snow obstructing parts of the bike course. Did you see that in the news media that you’re following? It’s a major event canceled by snow in August.

For those of you in the united states watching, thirty centimeters approximately is a foot, so we’re looking at about fifteen inches or so.

Snow across Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Let’s take a look how much snow really came down. In August

I’m just going to run through the images and let your eyes feast on the snowfall that’s happening in August.

I like castles too, so what do you think about this one? Nice sticky wet snow that we always see in these early snows, that is like glue, that stays on every surface, everything’s incredibly white.

If you didn’t like castles, let’s jump over to cattle country Salzburg.

We’re seeing the same thing, these snow reports coming out August snow, fall foot plus. The late snowfall that we had all across Europe, May late May almost into June snows, and here we are snowing again so how shrunken is the summertime season.

This is what they’re not talking about in the media, that they should be devoting more time to is putting those two and two together. August snowfall where was that never heard about it. Well, let me fill you in a little more, in the Alps.

We could just dive right into the Italian Alps, 15 to 20 centimeters. slightly less than a foot probably around 8 or 9 inches, Dolomites.

24 centimeters, Bioch Hutte Alta.

This entry here off of strange sounds, the photos a little misleading that’s in high altitude past Slovakia in the middle of winter, as trains are blasting through that much snow did not fall, but they use this image extreme snowfall Austria, Germany, Italy, and Slovenian alps in the summer time.

How much snow fell in Slovenia? About this much. You know campers were trapped up there yet again. How many times is this now where campers and hikers are being trapped by snowstorms in summer?

Meteo world picking it up heavy alps snows, breaking records no less.

You know, if it was a dusting that’s one thing, but foot plus that’s a lot to be coming down in the summer. We’re still weeks away from even being considered what’s fall time.

Now August 2 the Northern Hemisphere’s should be the warmest time as well as should not have snow, this is the most obscure snowfalls.

I could believe there’d be snow in June before August, absolutely. I believe there’d be snow in July before August, because August is the hottest month.

Just go back August 25th, below zero Celsius temperatures, now for those in the US remember zero degrees Celsius is 32 Fahrenheit, so when we’re looking at minus 2, you’re going to have to come down to something like I don’t know 28 and a half degrees Fahrenheit. Scotland, that pink right there in the bottom was snow. Didn’t hear about that on the news feed, did you?

You heard about that one single location in Norway with the record heat on and for two weeks. But snowing in August below zero temperatures in Scotland didn’t register except for the local media.

The person who is doing the research about the pulse water going into the Arctic, not allowing so much melt due to the cooler water temperatures is David Dilly. Here is his forecast from August of 2008, he’s using nearly half a million years of gravitational cycles to predict global warming and global cooling. He says for sure within the next 15 years, we’re going to be back into the 1800’s cool, we’re already there. this winter is going to absolutely shatter your reality on how cold, and possibly a buffalo 1970’s winter, we’re a city we’ll be locked in. Well, they’ll have to bring army troops to try to resupply it, and dig people out and power grids could possibly go down.

Here’s the interesting thing, we have the annual temperature change over those same periods. Notice the difference between the winter temperatures during the Maunder Minimum, 1642–1710 approximately, compared to the annual temperature change. You’re going to notice a little bit of difference in the maps here, so take a look central Canada all the way down to the East Virginia, specifically for those in the US, that tapers out into the East Coast there exactly what the Farmer’s Almanac was talking about. Alaska should be warmer looks like Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, also annually cooler and then noticed that big blob in Africa. we’re starting to see last year that same exact thing, record cold temperatures, and record snow across Morocco and Algeria both. Northern Asia, northern Russia, but we get that tongue of blue coming down right into the Ural Mountains, right where they grow a lot of wheat.

Let’s skip from the annual temperatures into the winter temperature changes. This is going to be where it’s autumn moving into the winter, you’ll start to see a lot cooler during this time, it’s going to start to amplify. So, the amount of blue on this map changes significantly as it moves into winter from autumn, notice where these same snowfalls are happening right now. Over in the western United States I want to get into that, that was what you just saw with the European snows matches perfectly with this map.

Following up on the Italian forecasters story, I’ve linked everything below in the description box so you can continue to do your research, look how many articles are linked about climate change & 400 year cycles in the Sun during the Little Ice Age or the Maunder Minimum. The Netherlands flourished when many other empires collapsed around our planet, massive flooding in Europe during the Little Ice Age, and that’s all we’re seeing every year now is a “once in a 200-year rain event”, flooding streets across Europe.

I’m going to run through a couple more images just, so you can see how much snow has been falling across at least a quarter of the European range.

You have to remember, this is a single snowfall event in Summer 2018.

Areas had some more snow, the highest totals were 40 centimeters

I guess there’s no sitting outside with a nice espresso watching the people walk by in winter clothing, I guess you’re going to have to put on your parkas in August.

First winter weather advisory of the season in August issued for the lower 48 as snow blankets the U.S Northern Rocky Mountains.

Forecast lows at freezing and snow. Sure enough, when was this happening?August 27th and 28th 2018.

Summer snowfalls Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, at least it started there and then it just spread, they’re looking at 4 to 8 inches.

These are some beautiful pictures coming out, these are the national parks that they’re starting to see these snowfall totals, Glacier National Park.

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How about British Columbia and Alberta up in Canada? Also unusual unseasonal snow, You’ll see at the bottom, they also reference the unusual European snows up to 17 inches.

How is this that we’re getting all these snow events in Wyoming Jackson Hole coming down in August?

Glacier National Park. I mean the National Weather Service has to cover this, because if they don’t. They’ll have some litigation against them of people are trapped or you know have accidents, because they didn’t put out warnings. But outside that microscopic area of coverage, you’re just not going to see this in the average national or international media.

Before and after, Glacier National Park Peaks covered. Well, that covered quickly didn’t it. It’s going to be a good ski season for many.

Earliest snows in Montana and Idaho, all those that you see there shattered gone with this storm alone. They have to update it and put the 2018 totals here in both states.

Taking a look at the average snowfalls earliest first snowfall dates even Alaska that is thousands of miles north. First snowfall August 29th, wait a second, we’re getting August 26 snows in the 48 states below Canada. What we’re going to use Crested Butte for example. Wyoming, fourth entry down average first snowfall October fifth, even earliest on record in 1961 September 3rd, they just blew through that through the 26, 27th and 28th of August. See what’s happening, this is breaking all the records for earliest snowfall on record going back to the 1920’s and the in the teens of the 1900’s. Nobody’s talking about this, why not? If it was a heat record being broken that shattered something over the hundred-year mark, and it was happening in February. Oh my gosh, that would be front-page news on every international and national and local newspaper across the planet including websites.

But here we are dozens and dozens of locates break in their all-time earliest snowfall record across Europe, United States not a whisper in the media except locally.

How about Banff? This is how much snow they got on August 27.

Highway cams picking it up as well Alberta, Canada.

Feast your eyes on those photos have the before and after, stunning amounts of summer snow falling down.

Oh yeah, and that was limited, not just to those states I mentioned also in Snowmass in Aspen, Colorado.

I want you to take a look at this map for just a second here, I left this for last to really point out the crux of this. All these early snowfalls are now happening with the Grand Solar Minimum forecast for intensification taking us through at least the next decade and a half, cooler. Farmer’s Almanac is saying it’s going to be incredibly cold this year, and here we already have these mystical snowfalls coming down that should not be here at all. The average date of the first measurable snow where that purple is where it says October, they’re getting snows in August.

This should be front-page news. Forecast is that this winter is going to be a brutal winter across the Northern Hemisphere. It’s going to snow more than you expect, it’s going to freeze more than you’d expect, it’s going to be cooler temperatures then you can expect, it’s going to snow in amounts that no one expects, there are going to be bodies of water and rivers freezing that nobody would expect.

When we come further down, New York like we saw last year, New York harbor needed icebreaker escort, what if the freezes come even further down, and get into the Chesapeake Bay where we need icebreakers? Up these same rivers that we saw in the paintings with George Washington fighting the Revolutionary War against the British in the 1700’s were ice covered, to the point they could pull cannons, horses and wagons across the thickness of that ice. Our society is unprepared for that. I don’t even know if we have icebreakers that could run channels up through there with that thickness of ice that aren’t ocean going.

We would need to develop a continuous process when it first started freezing to keep these waterways clear, they could no way wait until it was that thick, and then start breaking channels up there. So not only is the cold and transport issues, but your food pricing is all mixed into this.

We can survive cooler winters, we can insulate our homes, there’s a lot of opportunity for those of you who understand where we’re going with this climate change into Global Cooling and a Grand Solar Minimum. There’s more opportunity right now than there ever has been in human history, because there will be more need, because we have more people on this planet. If you can find the niche, you are going to have such an amazing life during this time.

It’s all based on food prices, if you start to look globally, and I encourage you to combine this report together with what the grain reports are forecasting for harvest Autumn 2018, what they’re going to book into the silos compared to what they say they will get out of the fields, there’s going to be a huge gap between those two.

News media around the planets already telling you food prices are rising due to extreme weather, but they’re just not at explaining it in this detail is the real reasons why moving forward.

I wish you the best of luck in your preparations this is the 2018–19 winter Northern Hemisphere forecast by David DuByne of ADAPT 2030.

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Grand Solar Minimum Book of the Day

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times

Designed for readers with no experience and applicable to most areas in the world except the tropics and hot deserts. This book shows that any family with access to 3–5,000 sq. ft. of garden land can halve their food costs using a growing system requiring just the odd bucketful of household waste water, perhaps two hundred dollars worth of hand tools.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Extreme snowfall in Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia Alps in SUMMER

Austria and Germany covered in 40cm of SNOW as temperatures drop 15 degrees after August heatwave

First Winter Weather Advisories of the Season Issued for the Lower 48 as Snow Blankets Northern Rockies

When the First Snow of the Season Typically Falls

Sea surface temperatures

Farmer’s Almanac predicts a whopper of a winter

Summer snow in Europe

Winter in August: 40 centimeters of snow

Snow falls on Scotland as Brits shiver in freezing -2C start to Bank Holiday

The first sightings of the white stuff on Snowmass Mountain, Colorado

Italian forecasters think solar minimum is causing global cooling

Summer snow across the US

Meteorologist predicts ‘global climate will become similar to the colder temperatures experienced during the 1800s’

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