Most Snow in 15 Years in N. Hemisphere in October

Starting off here with a couple of nice temperature charts. From the Great Lakes to California, Record Low Temperatures and Snow Blankets the West. Ryan Maue even considered it as “daily low temperature records being smashed in the western half of the US”. Just yesterday all those blue and green dots in the left chart were all low records. Take a look at the temperature gradient map on the right there.

First, see that purple blob over Texas? That is 35 degrees Fahrenheit below normal temperature! That extends down to Texas as well. It won’t just stop at the border.

This was the temperature map for the daily highs at 2 p.m., on the 15th.

Moving to high temperatures on the 16th. You can definitely see the difference. Wherever you see that white or the dark blue or the purple, those are below normal temperatures. That striation of yellow is the normal temperature, and when we get to the right, those darker Reds, those are where the above normal temperatures are. You can then see that the US has cooled significantly along with Canada and parts of Mexico.

Another glimpse of high temperatures. It’s 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below normal. Texas is quite chilly with Dallas setting record low highs, 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember it’s in the 1970s then in 1913. There’s so many calls for a repeating winter of the 1970s, remember how Buffalo was buried? Expect another city somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere to be buried and require assistance from the military to bring in supplies to the stranded citizens.

With all these cold temperatures across North America, you have to wonder what’s going to happen with the global temperatures as we move through October. Keep in mind that September was only at 0.14C, just barely over 1/10 degree above the 30-year average.

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Continental US which I circled in orange box was the part of the” world total” which was keeping temperatures warmer and from going back to the baseline or even slipping below. Expect a drop in temperature when October-December comes with numbers going back down the baseline, or even below.

And IPCC, you’ve got to start explaining that low solar activity equates to heavier snow falls and colder temperatures on our planet and not carbon dioxide! When you start to see these records being broken back into the 1800s with the butterfly diagram matching sunspot activity on the Sun. How many sunspots are there?

Solar activity is starting to match up with something back in the 1880s. Solar physicists are talking about gargantuan changes in our weather systems, magnetosphere is weakening, jet streams are going out of flow, yet the IPCC still does not want to discuss solar influences on our planet’s weather systems and effects on our crop yields! IPCC is still pushing the narrative of CO2 changing everything, all the while, your food prices are rising and nobody’s talking in earnest about mitigation techniques or how to try to solve these problems now that were entering head-on at about 90 miles an hour into the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum.

What about putting out the December, 2018 to February, 2019 forecast? These are some of the brightest minds on the planet putting this information out here! So we’ll have to see. Is it going to warm up? October temperatures seem to have cooled drastically. Now, could it be inverted, then we could get a flip and December would be warmer than October? You have to think; this Grand Solar Minimum is coming faster than even the brightest minds from weather forecasters on our planet are putting it together.

Taking a look at the snow fall total forecast for winter 2018–19, remember we’re only in October, it’s still Autumn and not even winter yet, but we’re having exceptional snowfalls! So we’ll see how this pans out. For all you know, it could taper off through the rest of the year and this will be right on the money. But we don’t know yet. This is just a forecast.

I don’t know what has happened with this anomalous event over the last week. Winter came early this year, snow warnings issued for eight states across the Rockies, records of cold temperatures and feet of snow. These are some of the images. It shouldn’t be snowing this much, not until November, at least.

So these snow depth totals that we’re seeing right now are not yet seen. These depth totals aren’t usually measured at least until November. October,15 pegged the 15-year database measurements with National Snow Analysis. had a really good article about this. North America snow cover is the most it’s been in October in 13 years. Then there was even more snow, that’s why it’s pegged on the 15-year mark, but a day prior it was at the 13-year mark and the day after, a 15-year high total. Notice where we are. In that red line.

I’m going to widen that out so you can see it. This is where we are, 2018–19 and it’s above anything that’s on that chart, back to 2005–06. Al Gore told us, “Snow would be a thing of the past and your children would never know what snow is” Then here we are, 15 years snow totals being eclipsed in North America.

Then we can widen it out here to the full Northern Hemisphere totals running right at the center there, not low, not high, but right at the center. Again we were told, snow would be a thing in the past.

Blizzard is on the way this will add more snow totals to the records already eclipsed in the NE USA. Forecast for this nor’easter rolling up the east coast to the US, New York City, picking up 5–8 inches during that time. It’s going to be a snowy football afternoon for many of you. And keep those turkeys warm, because you’re going to need them as record cold and snow is heading your way.

Speaking of other locales, I’m getting some reports here in Mongolia. A couple sent me some first-hand accounts of what’s happening up there.

They’re near Darkhan and they’re dairy farmers, so they’re in tune with what’s going on in the climatic conditions.

Just as an indication for you, September 19th and 20th, let me take you back just about three weeks, where we’re talking about heavy snowfalls right in the middle of the wheat harvest. I received another message and after I pinged them back and said I’m going to use their information in my video, they wrote back and said that they only harvested 30% of the wheat. There’s so much that is stranded out there in the fields right now, and I think they’re going to lost whatever that they haven’t harvested so far.

They continued on saying, normally they don’t get snow until October and even then, it’s not so bad but this is at least a full month early on the snow totals. Very deep, wet, and sticky snow! We will see those again as we get to these early season snowfalls or as the late season snowfalls flatten the wheat. And don’t even expect them to salvage it out of the fields. Thousands, and thousands of acres of wheat is lost.

Bottom paragraph: Temperature is at minus 8 degrees Celsius! You’ve got to realize that zero degrees Celsius is freezing! So we’re going down in to the high 10s, maybe low 20s Fahrenheit there. Ridiculous! For this time of the year, leaves are still on the trees and they’re getting those cold temperatures.

Over to Pakistan, see that same heavy wet snow again! This is record-breaking snow for Pakistan this early in the season. Just like what we saw in India, record snow in Nepal, and record snow in Himachal Pradesh, and here we go, Pakistan. This is how deep it is. They are not expecting this, not at least until the end of November.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. Signs are all around us, things are changing and you have to really ask yourself: Will the governments of the world start telling people what’s truly going on with the crop losses, effects from our Sun or are they going to try to avoid a global panic? You know how people are these days. 7.5 billion people will be scraping and racing for resources once the cats out of the bag. I hope by giving you this little bit of information you can get a head start. You need to start preparing right now.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Winter temperature forecast Weather Bell

Winter 2018–2019 snow forecast

Early unusually heavy snows Kaghan, Pakistan


From the Great Lakes to California record low temperatures and snow blanket the west

Blizzard on tap for New England States Thanksgiving Weekend

Cold Records broken US west

Snow warnings are issued across EIGHT states as the Rockies brace for record-cold temperatures and a foot of snow

North American snow cover is the most it’s been in Mid-October in 13 years

Daily snow extent

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