California Governor Jerry Brown’s Appalling Climate Mis-statements

in #grandsolarminimum6 years ago (edited)

This is a personal statement from David DuByne creator of the Adapt 2030 series to the Governor of California Jerry Brown. I’m actually appalled that you could put out such a statement “Since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago, we haven’t had this kind of heat condition”. Jerry, you’re making us look bad in the rest of the world, you’re the governor of the most populated state in the United States. Do you not have better advisers than this? You’re making the actual statement that since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago, we haven’t had this kind of heat condition. Are you familiar with the GISP2 ice core data set?

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Are you familiar with the GISP2 data set? Centuries and millennia, we are on the far right at the year 2018, if you go back in 10,000 years of history, we are at a cool, low point comparatively to the last 10,000 years. How did your advisors not get this or even bother to check temperature records?

If you didn’t like that data set, great, let’s look at Holocene Temperature Variations. Down, since the end of the last glacial period let’s go back 12,000 years ago, still we are at a cool point.

If you didn’t get it, how did your science advisors not use a simple Google search “global temperature graph 10,000 years”, and the first eight entries say the very opposite of what you quoted. How are people going to take you seriously in the climate debate?

These statements that you also made about climate change driving the forest fire intensities, maybe you should go to CFACT and take a look at the 1926 to 2017 US Forest burned area, that’s just United States. How can your advisors not find this information? Why didn’t you check the information, you have the ultimate culpability because you are the governor of the state. You’re responsible for the last say of what goes to print from your mouth, from your verbage, from your quotes.

Heaven forbid you look back to 1700, specifically at the 1750s, 1850s compared to where we are now, and the number of fires is absolutely nothing in comparison to today, we are at a low point.

A simple glimpse at the temperatures from 80 Degrees North Latitude up to the north pole at 90 Degrees North, that entire top of our planet is showing below normal temperatures for the entire melt season so far. This chart here Jerry, that green line that’s the 1958 to 2002 average, the red line that is the temperature that has been measured for this year by the day up through the melt season. If it was truly the hottest in 10,000 years and sensational heat, that red line is impossible for it to be below 45 year average temperatures up in the Arctic.

That’s why I circled it, it’s an outlier. It should not be below normal temperature trend, it should be above according to your statements. In my personal opinion, it was very sloppy fact checking, if any at all, and Brigitte Johnson, you from PJ media, did you not even do any back checking before you went to print with this either?

I’m going to call this Climate Narrative Collusion, how can you both have it so wrong that you didn’t even do a simple google search? I know a lot of you don’t like Google, you like DuckDuckGo or more uncensored types of search engines out there, but the very least a Google search.

Jerry, you quoted that steps to combat global warming can still eventually shift the weather back to where it historically was. I would like to see that plan, if we give you money what are you going to stand up at 70,000 feet and use a fan up there to make the jet streams move back in place. You’re going to make a direct phone call to the Sun and tell it to electromagnetically shift back out of the Grand Solar Minimum. How are you going to shift the climate back with money?

We’re going to a Grand Solar Minimum, you’re still talking about CO2 with the narrative you’re pushing for some reason I don’t understand why. You have some of the best scientists out there with the EPA in California, yet you’re still making these erroneous statements, not just one but two in the same article.

Speaking of the Grand Solar Minimum, this is the intensification timeline of peer-reviewed research by Shepherd, Zharkov, Zharkova and Popov; Double Dynamo in the Sun. The wider the wave is the spread between those two-colored lines, the more intense our weather becomes. Do you think all these fires and droughts would have anything do with the amplification of the Grand Solar Minimum on a 400-year cycle repeating?

That yellow shade is where we’re shifting into, the green that’s right about now, so the amplification of our weather is absolutely going to fall out, it is going to be climate chaos, because you must realize all the changes you’ve seen in the last two and a half years are going to be four times greater than as we progress into 2019–20.

What you have you seen up to this point is absolutely nothing, I mean nothing in comparison to the changes that are coming in our climate, and Jerry you’re telling us you can shift the weather back to where it historically was. Well you’re going to have to wait for our Sun to go through its 400 years cycle naturally, all the way to 2035 or 2040 before we come back into anything normal like today’s growing seasons and weather patterns. How exactly are you going to spend that money for this global CO2 tax or the California CO2 tax?

How are you going to get up there and change the weather? it’s a global thing, how are you going to change the equatorial band flows of our cloud cells, are you going to get up there and talk to the Hadley Cell and say “dude we’re going to give you a few bucks if you shift back to the normal.”

I’m going to bring you right back to that same quote since civilization emerged thousand years ago we haven’t had this kind of heat condition. July is only 0.32 of a degree Celsius or three tenths of a degree Celsius over the baseline average from the last 30 years. This is from Dr. Roy Spencer, the latest temperature measurements that came out from the global lower troposphere, Version 6.0 University of Alabama Huntsville, satellite temperature data.

I added that orange line in there Jerry, so you can see that indeed the temperatures were warmer even back in 2016, 2009, 2010, 1997, and in 1998. You don’t need to go back 10,000 years we could just go back a decade or two and see it was warmer back then.

All these misstatements that you put out, you need to retract those, you need to have every article that’s out there in news publication carrying your mis-statements retract, and you owe us the American people and the California residents an apology for not taking final responsibility for the statements that you put out, which can so easily be debunked in three different graphs and slides that I showed here.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. As you can see there is a concerted effort in the media to control the climate shift narrative.

This climate chaos you have seen is nothing yet the intensification coming through 2019 and 2020, it is going to shatter your reality on how bizarre the weather is going to become. They’re still trying to push you down the road of it’s CO2, “Oh we can fix the climate.” No you can’t, look back in the 1600s and look up the Maunder Minimum, M-A-U-N-D-E-R minimum and see the cycle we are repeating.

See what happened to society 400 years ago and how it was affected by the same exact electromagnetic changes in our Sun as it goes into a low activity state for the next 30 years. We need to be asking politicians and holding them accountable for the misstatements that are putting out there, I’m just bringing one of them to your attention.

For those of you looking for more in-depth analysis on the Grand Solar Minimum, the population migration, economic effects, crop yields, and everything in between with cycles of society, cycles of civilization, cycle of weather, food pricing and stock market, join me for my tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age conversations talking about these very same issues for 30 minutes at a time you can listen on the go.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Jerry Brown: Fire-Fueling Heat Worst ‘Since Civilization Emerged 10,000 Years Ago’

Temperature graphs of the last 10,000 years

10,000 Years of GISP2 Ice Core data

Global Temperatures July 2018

Daily mean temperature and climate north of the 80th northern parallel, as a function of the day of year

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Excuse me Governor Brown....could you please explain the neighborhoods where homes & cars were burnt but trees and shrubs not touched?

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