5X Monthly Rains and False WildFire Narratives

Starting over here in the Northeast U.S, five times the amount of rain in the past 30 days than the 30-year average. As the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies there are going to be more noticeable shifts of weather patterns and jet streams pushing more precipitation in some areas such as Pennsylvania in the U.S.

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Other areas you see where droughts are forming, but areas that are getting wet right now are going to continue to become wetter, and when we get into winter you could expect more snowfall in these same areas.

The media keeps telling you “Oh, it’s the greatest this”, “the biggest that”, “we’re causing all this change.” Well, even if we go back to 1815 in the Dalton Minimum, we can find even stronger wind storms driving rains and floods.

Some of these instances of hurricanes or Nor’easters with the greatest of all tidal waves and storm surges back in the early 1800’s Dalton Minimum. If the intensity of storms upticks, we’re on a 200-year pattern today and 400-year with the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum you would expect it to become more intense. It’s not CO2, it’s not you, it’s our Sun repeating a cycle.

The media narrative is trying to have you believe that all the wildfires are all because of CO2 warming on a warming planet. That’s just not the case, scathing report here, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke rips California apart for “poor forestry management & environmental terrorist groups not allowing people to collect wood and the amount of debris that should have been cleared out just in general forest management because it created a massive tinderbox”.

This is highly suggested reading straight out of the New York Times, I’m even shocked that they would print such a thing. It is paragraph after paragraph laying blame to environmental regulations that aren’t working in California and individuals out there with environmental groups that have caused a massive part of these wildfires. Especially the timber mismanagement part in “timber clearing”, you need to wrap your head around the circumstances causing fires, it is manmade, but not CO2, very interesting read.

Let’s take a look out to the next month of temperatures, Central Europe 1 to 2 degrees Celsius above normal, but what they won’t put in the media is all this in Africa that is below normal as well, 1 to 2, possibly, 3 degrees below normal in northern Africa. Take a look at that far left up at Iceland, Greenland, and then a little bit more over where we’ve seen Norway and Sweden, where we see four to six degrees Celsius below normal temperatures, this is going to be the beginning of the winter, incredibly early.

When we look at North America and the Arctic Circle up in Greenland & Northern Canada, what you can’t see on the temperature map in that gray area the Arctic Basin are temperatures anywhere you see blue it is below zero C / 32F or under.

Across the Arctic I even pinned one point, really far down, almost out of the Arctic Circle itself, and it’s still a half a degree Celsius below freezing which puts it at right around 31 degrees Fahrenheit, August 18th, 2018.

When you look at the green shading it’s still 6 to 8 feet thick for sea ice, and that yellow shade is at least ten feet thick. Water and air temperatures aren’t going anywhere into the melting range, and the end of the melt season is just weeks from now. First week in September and it’s going to start refreezing and with temperatures already below normal, I wonder how the corporate media is going to try to explain this when it is the seventh least amount of ice, not lowest ever. I guess the Arctic will get a participation trophy, it’ll come in 7th or 8th this year.

Thanks for reding, hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of analysis, take it on the go with Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, thirty minutes piecing together how the intensifying Eddy Grand Solar Minimum will affect your life over the next 5 years.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Temp map for 30 days

Rainfall totals above average

Climate Has a Role in Wildfires? No. Wait, Yes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/17/climate/zinke-california-fires.html

Sea Ice Thickness http://polarportal.dk/en/sea-ice-and-icebergs/sea-ice-thickness-and-volume/

Arctic Cold temperatures https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/overlay=temp/orthographic=-46.12,89.62,480/loc=165.349,73.491

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