How to restore a cryptonote simple wallet from mnemonic seed

in #graft6 years ago (edited)


Most cryptonote coins use CLI simple wallet so this should work on most cryptonote coins, confirmed working on Graft.

Finding your mnemonic seed - Graft Only

Hopefully you wrote this down somewhere!

Graft Mobile Wallet Instructions

To view the mnemonic phrase even if you have already created our account, but for some reason, you forgot or didn't copy the mnemonic phrase.

To view the mnemonic phrase in mobile wallet go to the Settings and press "Show Mnemonic Password" button. The application will ask you to enter your password if the password is correct, you will see the mnemonic phrase.

Restoring your simple wallet under Windows.

  • Make sure your daemon is up, synced and running. For Graft this file is called "graftnoded" Wait for sync to finish this might take awhile be patience
    Screenshot (36).png

  • Next we have to create a shortcut on our graft-wallet-cli.exe, Right Click on graft-wallet-cli.exe and click on “Create Shortcut”.

Screenshot (37).png
it should look like this

  • Right Click on the newly created shortcut and click on “Properties”.

Screenshot (38).png

  • Add following parameter to the end of the field “Target:”:

In this example it would change the content of “Target:” from:
C:\Graftwallet\graft-wallet-cli.exe --restore-deterministic-wallet
Confirm now by clicking on “OK”.

  • Start now your graft-wallet-cli.exe shortcut. You will be prompted to enter a new wallet name. For this example we will name our wallet "Mywallet" . You can choose any name for your wallet.
    Confirm with ENTER.

Next, you have to choose a password. Choose a good password and confirm again by pressing ENTER.

This part is different from the typical wallet generation. You will be asked for your mnemonic seed. Enter your 24 mnemonic seed words and confirm by pressing ENTER.
Congratulation, your wallet has been restored from seed.

How to Send Coins to Exchange

In your command line wallet
enter " transfer unimportant Wallet-address-here amount-of-coins"


" transfer unimportant GMPHYf5KRkcAyik7Jw9oHRfJtUdw2Kj5f4VTFJ25AaFVYxofetir8Cnh7S76Q854oMXzwaguL8p5KEz1tm3rn1SA6i7Pt3if3r46zMKa2W 100"

Simple Wallet Commands

Commands can be found here

Exchanges for Cryptonote Coins

LiveCoin - also has a game that lets you play short or long positions on bitcoin price action
Stock Exchange

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