Britain’s Paedophile ELITE… EXPOSED. PART TWO.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #government7 years ago


Sir Peter Hugh Morrison
Sir Peter Hugh Morrison was a British Conservative politician, MP for Chester from 1974 to 1992, and Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

In October 2012, Rod Richards, a former MP and ex-leader of the Welsh Conservatives, implicated Morrison in the North Wales child abuse scandal.

Between 1974-90, up to 650 children from forty children’s homes (such as Bryn Estyn in Wrexham) were sexually, physically and emotionally abused. Richards said that Morrison and another high-profile Conservative politician were named in documents as regular and unexplained visitors to the care homes.

Investigative journalist Nick Davies reported in The Guardian that Morrison received a caution for cottaging with underage boys in public lavatories.

Former Conservative minister Edwina Currie stated that Morrison regularly had sex with 16-year-old boys – whilst the legal age of consent (for same-sex relations) at the time was 21. In 2002, Currie described Morrison as a “notable pederast”

In an article written by Gyles Brandreth and published in the Daily Mail September 2014 Gyles Brandreth said;

What did Mrs Thatcher know of his alleged dark side? When I talked to her about him, I felt she had the measure of the man. She knew he was homosexual, and she knew he was a drinker. She was fond of him, clearly, but told me that he had ruined himself through ‘self-indulgence’ — much as Reginald Maudling had done a generation earlier.

When it came to the love lives of her colleagues, Mrs T was not judgmental (she was quite ready to forgive Cecil Parkinson for his affair with Sara Keays); but I am sure she would not have countenanced a child abuser as her parliamentary private secretary, let alone have authorized a cover-up on his behalf.

The Daily Mail told us “It seems unlikely that Margaret Thatcher knew of his rumoured tendencies, much less covered them up” Is that true?

In July 2014, Barry Strevens, a former bodyguard to Margaret Thatcher, claimed he warned her that Morrison allegedly held sex parties with under-age boys. Strevens said that despite passing on the allegations to Thatcher she later promoted Morrison to the position of deputy chairman of the Conservative party. Thatcher’s private secretary, Archie Hamilton, reportedly took notes of what was said.

Lord Mountbatten
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma was a British naval officer and statesman, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and second cousin once removed of Elizabeth II.

In April 1990 a writer called Robert Harbinson (also known as Robin Bryans) stated in a Dublin-based magazine called Now that; Lord Mountbatten, Anthony Blunt and others were all involved in an old-boy network which held gay orgies in country houses on both sides of the Irish border, as well as at the Kincora Boys’ Home. Harbinson sent letters and postcards to the rich and powerful in British establishment circles but once the postcards began to circulate there were complaints to the police and Harbinson was warned that he would be prosecuted for criminal libel.

The Belfast News Letter reported that files on Kincora were “conspicuously absent” from the routine January 2013 release of 1982 government papers by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) under the 30-year rule. Lord Mountbatten is reported to be the man that introduced Jimmy Savile to the Royals inner circle.

Below is an extract from an Express article from 2008 on Jimmy Savile and Lord Mountbatten!
The fact that he (Jimmy Savile) rarely spends two consecutive nights in the same bed is one of the reasons he has no interest in marriage but there has only ever been one woman in his life: his mother Agnes, nicknamed the Duchess, who died in 1973. He lived with her for her last 16 years and has described the five days he spent alone with her body after her death as the best of his life.He has said: “I’m a lot of a loner. I’ve always been like that, though I don’t know why. I haven’t worked it out myself. All I know is I am what I am. People find it odd. I find it odd.”He was first introduced to the Royal Family, he reveals, by Lord Mountbatten. In 1966, Jimmy became the first civilian to be awarded a Royal Marines’ green beret. Mountbatten was comm­and­ant general at the time and realised that Savile could be a useful contact.
“Coming from Lord Louis, who was the favourite uncle of Prince Philip, that was quite something,” he says. “So obviously I hooked up with the Prince – what was good enough for Lord Louis was good enough for him.”He donated proceeds from signed photos of himself with Elvis Presley to the Duke of Edin­burgh’s National Playing Fields Association and Philip returned the compliment in the Eighties to raise money for the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mande­ville, Sir Jimmy’s pet project.In 1991 writer Andrew Morton identified him as “an unlikely royal peacemaker”­ between Charles and Diana, adding: “As unofficial court jester, he articulates opinions courtiers can only think.”
He claims that he spent 11 consecutive Christmases with the Thatchers at Chequers. He says of the former premier: “I knew the real woman and the real woman was something else. The times I spent up there – Denis, me and her, shoes off in front of the fire. There was no conversation really.” He says he is no longer in touch because Lady Thatcher is now too infirm but that he still sees her daughter Carol “off and on”.But his strangest stroke of apparent influence was when he met the Israeli president on his first visit to Jerusalem in 1975.“I’m very disappointed be-cause you’ve all forgotten how to be Jewish and that’s why everyone is taking you to the cleaners,” Sir Jimmy told him.
“You won the Six Day War, you took all that land, you gave it all back, including the only oil well in the area, and now you’re paying the Egyptians for the oil you already had.”He says the president asked him to come and say the same thing to the cabinet, which he duly did. “They asked my opinion about a couple of things, to which I said, ‘Nothing’s impossible’. They did exactly what I suggested and it worked out 100 per cent successful.”
Lord Greville Janner
Greville Ewan Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone, was a Labour British politician, barrister, writer and a member of the House of Lords. He was alleged to have abused vulnerable children and he died before court proceedings could formally establish the facts.

In 1991, the director of a children’s home in Leicestershire, Frank Beck, was convicted of child abuse over 13 years to 1986 and sentenced to five life terms. During the trial, Beck accused Janner of having abused a child, and a witness said that while he was in care Janner had abused him. Janner could not say that Beck was lying until after the trial, because it would have been in contempt of court.

John Enoch Powell
John Enoch Powell, best known as Enoch Powell, was a British politician, classical scholar, philologist and poet. He served as a Conservative Member of Parliament (MP, 1950–74), Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) MP (1974–87), and Minister of Health (1960–63).

In August 2002, Powell appeared 55th in the List of 100 Greatest Britons of all time (voted for by the public in a BBC nationwide poll)

Enoch Powell, the Conservative anti-immigrant firebrand, is being investigated as an alleged member of a claimed Westminster paedophile network after his name was supplied to police by a senior Anglican bishop.

The name of the late MP, one of the most divisive politicians of the late 20th century, was provided to Scotland Yard after a clergyman came forward with claims from the 1980s relating to ritual satanic abuse.

Mr Powell, a maverick politician who achieved notoriety with his so-called Rivers of Blood speech decrying migration to Britain, is the latest senior Parliamentarian to be made the subject of police inquiries into an alleged Establishment sex rings.

The Metropolitan Police has several ongoing investigations relating to claims against suspected abusers, including the former Liberal MP Cyril Smith. Detectives are also investigating allegations against former Home Secretary Leon Brittan.

The Independent understands that the claims against Mr Powell were passed to police by the Right Reverend Paul Butler, the Bishop of Durham, more than a year ago, but that they have only now been made public.

In July 2014 the Daily Mail reported.

An MP in Tony Blair’s government was part of a paedophile ring which infiltrated a council children’s home where an award winning author was abused in care, it was claimed today.

Alex Wheatle, 51, said he was attacked at Shirley Oaks in Surrey, which took youngsters from Lambeth in south London.

After moving there as a three-year-old, a doctor abused him during an appointment where he was forced to strip naked, while he said that a swimming instructor, a football coach and even staff groped and even raped boys and girls.

Mr Wheatle was also beaten with hair brushes, belts and boots, because ‘suffering violence was as much a part of my day as eating toast’, he said.

The father-of-three said that the abuse was covered up when a Labour MP was named as being an alleged member of a network of child abusers targeting the borough.

Mr Wheatle, who was attacked at Shirley Oaks near Croydon in the 1980s, where the politician also visited regularly in the same period.

The author, handed an MBE five years ago by the Queen, said paedophiles also targeted the South Vale centre in Lambeth, where children were assessed before being sent to Shirley Oaks.

Describing his life there he told the Daily Mirror: ‘We would see strange nameless men within the Shirley Oaks grounds.

‘I’m convinced there was a paedophile ring operating in both South Vale and Shirley Oaks and that the authorities knew about it at the time but did nothing’.

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