Puerto Rico's Public Utility has been Hoarding Repair Materials, Deliberately Keeping Power off

in #government7 years ago (edited)

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Man. Im trying to decide where I want to move.. I was thinking there but then all the severe weather, and now this.. Its still a U.S. territory too.. It costs so much money to move out of this country :(

What about the nifty new tech at the border now? Iris scanners... I hear if you get within 100 miles of the border now, they scan you.

Yay! I feel so safe <3

So far it's pretty easy to leave the US. You can walk right across at TJ without ever seeing a US official. Also, you can fly from TJ to Mexico City and then anywhere in the world. No TSA patdowns. Never had my iris scanned yet. Even getting back in isn't that hard. Border guards are like everyone else. They just want to put in an uneventful 8 hours and then go home and watch TV. Tell them what they want to hear and off you go. The whole border thing is absurd, though.

I used to walk to Ciudad Juarez from Hell Paso, and it was just as you describe.

That was before the Iris Scanners eventuated, however, and now I'm scared.

Hold me! =p

Have you crossed in recent months?

Came across the northern frontier in October. Didn't notice anything different. Took about 4 minutes of schmoozing. Crossed into Mexico in July. The Mexicans now want to see a passport when you walk across and will issue you a tourist card if you want to stay longer than a day. Coming back was time consuming but still easy. They just want to see your passport.

I don't know why they would use iris scanners anyway. There isn't much of a database and it would be far simpler to have you stick your hand out and scan your thumbprint. There's a huge database for that. If you're worried, wear reflective sunglasses on your way out. If they get to the point of scanning your iris on the way in, well, maybe I won't be entering the US any more. That's my take on the border wall as well. Works both ways. I'd rather be caught out than in.

I go to the dentist there and will soon be seeking out a medical doctor to consult and burn off the odd squamous cell carcinoma here and there. It's cheap because medical insurance in Mexico is uncommon and I talk doctor real good.

Dental is cheap enough that my son in Canada can fly to San Diego, stay with relatives, cross the border, go to the dentist and fly back to Canada and still save about half of what it would cost to just get the dental work done in Canada.

What I really like about "The Plaza" T.J. is the excitement. There were over 1700 homicides there last year. You get to see police driving Toyota trucks with a manned machine gun mounted on the roll bar a la ISIS with 4 chappies in full combat gear in the back. They're all over the place. Guns are illegal in Mexico, you know. That's why it's so peaceful.

I also went to Mexico primarily to buy medicine that insurance didn't cover, or cost so much more through insurance in the states that going to Mexico and just paying cash was cost-effective.

I knew a gal that had the remainder of her teeth yanked and all new implants installed for about $6k, the cost of two implants with insurance for me, here in the states.

While the entertainment value of cops with p/u mounted machine guns may presently be only available in Mexico, I am not sure that won't soon be available right here.

I have only heard of the push regarding iris scanners, and the 100 mile border zone in the last month or two. I haven't been to Mexico in some time, so have but hearsay to base my considerations on.

Your recent journeys predate what I have heard is now happening at the border.

Keep me posted if you visit again, and we'll both know more about what is really going on.

I'm glad you think that you can get though CBP agents checkpoints and searches by "telling em what they want to hear" LOL

I've crossed the US border more than 100 times. Sure, I've had some hassles, but by and large CBP guys are like everyone else. It's a job. The easier the day goes the better. A big bust now and then adds excitement, but when you have nothing to hide and don't question their petty authority, you pass right through.

An example of this happened last year. I was driving down from Canada. I was stopped at the limit line where there is a red light. When they want you to proceed, they turn the light green. The person in front of my finished their screening and the car drove off. My light stayed red so I stayed put. Pretty soon the guy stuck his head out of his box and impatiently motioned me to move ahead. When I got to his box I apologized and told him I hadn't proceeded because the light was still red. "It was green," he informed me. Did I argue? "Oh, sorry" was my reply. 3 questions later I was on my way.

Remember of all the gun wielding boy scouts, the CBP have the lowest IQ. My son went to school with a now CBP agent. The highway patrol turned him down as did the sheriff's department because he couldn't pass their tests. The CBP welcomed him with open arms. TSA is the same.

I've lived within 100 miles of the border most of my life. There used to be immigration checkpoints on every major road. I was stopped at one and the guy who came out to check if I was a Mexican or not had the dullest eyes I've ever seen in my life. I'd bet his IQ was in the low 80s. The questions he asked me he had no right to ask. "Where are you going," was one of them. I could have said "Anywhere I want. This is America." but I didn't. I did feel like asking him this: If you're born in East Texas and move to Louisiana and get married, are you still cousins? He wouldn't have gotten it.

lol. ya, having my eyes scanned makes me feel safe too.. They should have had Iris Scanner in Vegas during the Paddock shooting.

Pisses me off no end that CT deregulated CL&P during the Enron crisis no less!

As rate payers and tax payers, CT citizens totally financed the delivery infrastructure. Now, regardless of whether or not there's competition in electrical rates, CL&P charges a $20 delivery fee because they own all the infrastructure.
Who approved the deregulation along with the repeated increases in the deliver charge? Got me. An unelected "regulatory commission" that, for all we know, are major CL&P shareholders.
Yeah governments the enemy, but try and convince people around here of that! Waking up is hard to do.

On this issue, I was born awake.

I have never met a proper government.

Nothing but crooks, liars, and thugs.

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