Good Riddance, George Floyd

in #government4 months ago

We have entered the fourth anniversary of the death of George Floyd. You know who he is. The guy who was just doing nothing criminal at all until a policeman kneeled on his neck for no reason. Yeah, that guy.

Everybody remembers the summer of love and peace that commenced after he was killed. The summer where everyone sat down around the campfire and had a long, polite discussion about race relations in America.

It was such a peaceful time, at least, if you lived in some sort of alternative dimension where the world wasn’t stupid.

This is going to be more of a rant than an analysis. Yes, it has been four years, but I am still pretty salty about what happened and what didn’t happen.

The rant

George Floyd, if you remember, was the pinnacle figurehead in a long line of shady characters taken up by the Black Lives Matter movement and the progressive left in their mission to push their anti-white politics onto the United States of America.

There were fires, but they sure as heck weren’t campfires. Cities burned, our own capital was on fire, you had news media hacks like CNN have the audacity to get a newsman in front of a camera and declare protests “mostly peaceful” as a fire raged behind him. It was peak comedy.

It would have been funny had it been some sort of satirical film and not real life. There were entire areas of cities carved out by anarchist groups in an effort to create their own little countries. Remember CHAZ? Lol.

To my foreign readers, you must understand, while this happened, we were also under strict orders from our federal and state governments to lock down so we could combat the covid virus. You would think our leaders would remain consistent here, right?

Wrong. Our scientific community did a complete 180 degree turn and said that people should be able to go outside and protest. Our liberal politicians, who had been screaming about staying inside and wearing masks, were suddenly out and about encouraging these riots.

We had FBI agents taking a knee in solidarity with violent rioters. Every single institution started shilling for these fools. Governors refused to organize the national guard to combat the threat of their own cities being burned down.

The only person who was really doing anything, even though he could have done a heck of a lot more, was Donald Trump, the President at the time. He deployed federal forces around the country in areas where federal property was at risk.

He ordered the clearing of Lafayette Square in what was probably the most clean- and clear-cut example of how such lawlessness should be treated. Every governor in the country should have followed this example.

My main gripe with how Trump handled the situation was all the bluster about how he was going to invoke the Insurrection Act but never ended up doing it. He should have just done it and dared anyone else to do anything about it.

We even had entirely new federal agencies formed in order to deal with this problem. Remember PACT (Protecting American Communities Task Force)? You don’t hear much about them these days, but apparently, they still exist.

The regular law enforcement response was so bad that Trump had to resort to using guys from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in DC that were under his direct control. Apparently, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milly chickened out after the Lafayette Square debacle.

While Trump should have just invoked the Insurrection Act anyway and clamped down on the rioting, there should have been no need to do so. Mayors and Governors should have used the tools they had available to restore order.

Yet we didn’t see that. Instead, we saw violence raging for over three months. Every political hack was shilling for the people rioting, acting like these things are just a regular occurrence and should be normalized.

These hack Governors and Mayors had to have their teeth pulled in order for them to take any concrete action against the violence. Hacks like Kate Brown and Jay Inslee spent more time complaining about Trump’s response than they did actually arresting people.

Inslee even tweeted this: "President Trump sent federal officers to Seattle because he is itching for a confrontation. He wants attention. We shouldn't give him either. Keep it peaceful, keep the attention where it belongs – on building a better, more just Washington for everyone."

What a fool. All I can say is that I am glad I live in Florida because DeSantis didn’t put up with that. The most I saw of anything was a couple idiots by the highway flying the red and black flag of anarchy.

This was a nationwide version of what I saw when I lived in Missouri during the riots that happened after Michael Brown was shot in 2014. Governor Jay Nixon had no idea how to handle the problem. Yeah, there were mass deployments of the national guard, but they hardly did anything substantial.

It got to the point where even Obama was like “yeah dude you need to get this under control.”

At least Nixon’s was a situation where he was legitimately caught off guard. After 2014, there should have been a playbook on how to deal with riots like those in Missouri. Everyone should have known the game plan.

The events of the summer of 2020 tell me that there either was no playbook, no game plan, or that both were being deliberately ignored. All options are bad. It had been six years since the last major incident, and nobody thought to develop any countermeasures.

This leads me to conclude that at any point someone is killed by police we are just going to be told to shut up and sit down as our cities and property burn around us. In normal times, any government that would allow that would be voted out of power.

The problem is, we have a very large portion of the population that actively agrees with this sentiment. It is why people like Kate Brown or Jay Inslee were never voted out of office despite the chaos.

There is still a long way until the November election and if something like this happens again, I shudder to think about how Joe Biden will handle this. Unlike Trump, he won’t at least try to deploy federal forces to quell the violence.

He will just sit back and allow it to happen, because the people who are doing it were part of his coalition in the first place. He cannot afford to anger them. There will be no federal response, and local law enforcement will be told that they are on their own.

I could even see a national scolding of people like Ron DeSantis, who has built his entire governorship on being pro-law enforcement. Remember “DeathSantis?” A joke.

What would I have done?

If I were in the President’s shoes during this period, I would have invoked the Insurrection Act nearly immediately. I would have begun a mass deployment of federal forces around the country. If anyone complained, well that is too bad, should have done your job so I wouldn’t have to do mine.

There would have been mass arrests of groups involved in violent lawless activity. If the local jails got too full, I would have ordered makeshift POW style camps set up in the sparsely populated western interior made to hold people.

Everyone would have been filtered. Names, addresses, occupations, residencies, citizenships, would have been taken. Everyone would have been put on a registry.

As for places like CHAZ, I would have treated as insurrectionists holding occupied territory. They would have been given the chance to peacefully surrender or the military would be sent in to force them.

There are legal ways to do this. We have done this before. The problem is that nobody has the willpower. That willpower needs to be found, because to the outside world, we look like a country that is in the middle of collapse.

No serious power would have allowed so much internal damage to be done for such a long time. Nor should it.

It is the government’s duty to its people to provide stability and safety. If we do not have either, then we might as well abolish the government and slip into anarchy.


So yes, my words may be harsh, but good riddance to George Floyd. This country suffered so much death and destruction in his name. The antiwhite politics of the agenda setters accelerated. These politics actively harm me and the regular people of America.

There is no excusing any of the events that occurred in the summer of 2020. Every violent riot should have been taken care of when it popped up. Instead, summer 2020 will go down as a perfect picture of the decade: chaotic, violent, with nobody in power doing anything to stop our downward trajectory.

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