Deep State Conspiracy

in #government7 years ago

public domain deep state trump government.jpg

Deep State Conspiracy vs Russia Runs U.S. Government Fact by Rory, The Daily Coin

As the war pigs continue beating the drum of death and destruction the distraction de jure is "Russia did it". "It" could be anything and everything. The sad part is the presstitute media continually attempts to convince the American people this is "a fact" without ever producing a shred of evidence.As Glen Greenwald recently tweeted - To summarize journalistic orthodoxy: only fringe conspiracists think a Deep State exists, but all sane people know Kremlin controls US Govt.

To summarize journalistic orthodoxy: only fringe conspiracists think a Deep State exists, but all sane people know Kremlin controls US Govt.— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 17, 2017

The Ministry of Truth, as coined by George Orwell, is alive and well. Last week, on the Shadow of Truth, we discussed how pervasive these none stop lies, deceit and propaganda have taken over the mainstream media. It is as if the presstitute media is under some type of misguided belief that people can't research what is purported as "news" to learn for themselves what is being said is nothing more than garbage. People having the ability to research information for themselves is exactly why Theresa May, British Prime Minister, recently made it very clear the British government wants to suppress the ability to learn the truth about what is actually happening.

Theresa May is planning to introduce huge regulations on the way the internet works, allowing the government to decide what is said online.
Particular focus has been drawn to the end of the manifesto, which makes clear that the Tories want to introduce huge changes to the way the internet works.
“Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet,” it states. “We disagree.” Source

The "deep state", or shadow government, is making life for President Trump miserable. This is no different than the tactics used against President Nixon. Keep the public distracted and focused on something that doesn't exist and place a chokehold on any and all issues the President wishes to bring to the table. With Nixon it was "opening up China"; with Trump it is a host of issues and policies that would end some of the more egregious crimes that were allowed, or even encouraged, under the Obama regime.What exactly is the "deep state" or "shadow government"?

“We see the government of God over the world is hidden,” Francis Bacon wrote in 1605, describing the deepest of deep states: the lord’s reign over us, which Bacon thought a good model for earthly rule. “Obscure and invisible” was how Bacon thought government worked best, and King James I agreed, instructing, in 1624, a too inquisitive subject that none shall “meddle with anything concerning our Government, or deep Matters of State.” Source

In other words, the citizens have no right to actually know or understand what is happening with the government and therefore, a group of people, operating behind the scenes should be in control. These people in the "shadow" should be the ones entrusted to write the policies and actually run the government. The citizens have no right to "meddle" in this process.

@20committee I can kind of guess but what do you think is going on inside NatSec right now after Trump's "intelligence" tweet this morning?— Joe Walters (@JWal077) February 15, 2017
Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: "He will die in jail."— John Schindler (@20committee) February 15, 2017

Why are these people not being pursued by law enforcement? How can someone say the President is "going to die in jail"? Is it me or does that sound like a threat against the President? Why wouldn't President Trump go after these people and root them out? Oh, that's right, they're well protected by the deep state! And don't forget, Russia did it! 

This is not some mindless rant by guy fantasying about an out of control government.

It is one thing to tar Donald Trump with a groundless campaign, Nixon-style, so as to insinuate without evidence that he entertains objectionable ties to Russia. That is mere politics. (And I like Reince Priebus’s term for this last Sunday on Fox News. Citing top officials in the IC, which stands for intelligence cabal, Priebus asserted, “They have made it very clear that the story is complete garbage.”)
It is another matter altogether when the descendants of Dulles (whom Priebus suggests are not united on this one) mount what looks awfully like a coup operation against the president of our republic. That is a strong phrase, but it belongs on the table far more than the “complete garbage” you can read in any day’s edition of The New York Times. There I will put it for now, awaiting a historically informed argument for taking it off.
Leaks have the wonderful advantage of requiring no substantiation. With Michael Flynn’s resignation as Trump’s national-security adviser, they have already claimed one prominent victim. Who or what is next? Priebus? Trump himself? Or maybe just crippling the Trump White House’s determination to forge a saner relationship with Moscow will do. Source

How much more can the people tolerate before they begin, in earnest, marching on Washington and I don't mean just "chanting" and carrying signs?

Because He's TNT
Sometime contributor Bon Scott who happens to be not only a Trump supporter but more importantly a Constitutional expert and Big  "L" Libertarian had this to say in response the 'Impeach Trump' escalation.
10,000,000 people will march on Washington if they try to impeach Trump... they will be heavily armed. I will be one of them. No kidding.
While our colleague seems given to hyperbole consider this. Last year as early as February he said:
"Trump can win. Ignore the polls. Polls are meaningless in an election with so many “shock events”. The truth is Donald Trump can win the election in a landslide. 

That was true. We quoted him in our October 2016 post HERE
SKG contributor Vince Lanci echoed Bon's words in this Aug post:
On the flip side Trump fans should be happy.  If past calls are any indication Trump will indeed win in  landslide..

Bon also said in our July Post
Trump will spend like a drunken sailor

That Story HERE
This is also true in Trumps's attempts if not in execution yet.Can you argue With Bon?

The truth is, while our pseudonymous contributor is given to outrageously couched statements, he  has picked up  on something that is close to our hearts.  You can  see it in how polls are just wrong consistently. And to us that is explainable. The statistical world relies to heavily on  polls. Polls are merely "snapshots' of moments. Source

When Trump was elected in November, in the shadow of the BREXIT vote, this was a signal that people were tired of the status quo. Unfortunately, the status quo is not tired of ruling over the people and stripping them of their rights, their wealth and, in millions of cases, their very life. The death and destruction wrought by the deep state/shadow government is lashing out as the light on their crimes against humanity shines ever brighter. What should we expect from this point forward by a group of people that answer to no one, that are funded by off book free flowing cash and equipped with technology and firepower to wipe out nations? Well, just about anything. False flag anyone?


20committee John Schindler tweeted @ 15 Feb 2017 - 14:27 UTC

Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: "He will die in jail."…

JWal077 Joe Walters tweeted @ 15 Feb 2017 - 14:22 UTC

@20committee I can kind of guess but what do you think is going on inside NatSec right now after Trump's "intelligence" tweet this morning?

ggreenwald Glenn Greenwald tweeted @ 17 Feb 2017 - 12:23 UTC

To summarize journalistic orthodoxy: only fringe conspiracists think a Deep State exists, but all sane people know Kremlin controls US Govt.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

The Presidency is just an illusion, the DeepState really run the show.
Great post, followed and upvoted.

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