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in #government7 years ago (edited)


Let me just give you the blunt and vicious truth to what happens when this "Law & Order" mentality prevails in society. It looks to me as if a part of the population in any given country has this "Law & Order" mentality, whereas they claim that we need to have justice and order restored in society, and we need to kill all criminals and otherwise severely punish everyone who breaks the laws.

And this is not a fringe part of society, I would say 30-40% of society does believe this, perhaps a lower percent like 10% who believe this to the extreme.

So this is inner fascism, they have a strong urge to "fix" society to what they claim is wrong with it. And we know where this comes from: child abuse. Yes, people who have been abused as children, either grow up as criminals themselves, or they will have this sense of "justice" their entire lives, but instead of focusing this anger on the perpetrator, they try to blame the entire society for this.

And this is really nothing surprising, I mean unfortunately children are still heavily abused to this day, so the fact that 40% of the population could have been domestically abused as kids, are indeed nothing surprising, just look at the official studies, it's quite shocking on the other hand, how much people don't care about this.


So is this "justice" fantasy realizable? Not so much, since it's irrational from the beginning. There is this philosophical debate between freedom & justice. But while freedom is realizable by stopping the abuse and enslavement of people, justice is not, since it's the opposite, and it's subjective and rage based, and it destroys the entire society.

It is a fact that 10,000 new laws and regulations come out of any country, every single year. So your average country has probably 1,000,000 laws on the book, big countries with huge bureaucracies like the US or the EU, has much more.

The average human can remember about 500 distinct events at the same time. So they can live their daily lives focusing on 500 events, in order to avoid breaking the "law". But there is no way on earth they can focus on 1,000,000 events at once.

So most of these laws are not even enforced, nobody even knows about them, not even the senior judges. They have to take out their 50,000 page dusty old law books to search them up in any trial. Most of the time they just get ignored.

But if somebody finds them, they can use it in their own advantage, since it's a highly likely scenario that 99% of the population did broke any law, so anyone can be blackmailed with this.

So they are not enforced usually, it's literally impossible to enforce 1,000,000 laws. But a high majority of people do break these laws unconsciously. So when these right-wing "Law & Order" idiots call for more police and more justice, that means that they are calling for every single one of these "phantom laws" to be enforced.

And they can actually be enforced with modern AI technology and surveillance. Everything is surveilled these days, so an AI crawling through that data can easily identify most of the perpetrators.

Ok so the AI comes up with a number, say, 60% of the population broke about 2000 various laws. Every citizen amongst that 60% identified, has broke 2000 different laws. So the total sentence for any citizen would probably be life sentence.

But there is no way to put on trial 60% of the population, and there is no way to put everyone in prison. So they will be put in camps. Yeah that's right, in concentration camps. Nazi concentration camps with gas chambers and crematoria.


There is just no way to avoid it. Every single time this "Law & Order" mentality ends up in a Holocaust. This is the ultimate tyranny. Because to enforce all these laws literally means concentration camps.

So what do these idiots think when they call for more justice & order? We already have 1,000,000 laws on the book, what the hell do you want more? And if you start enforcing them, that means another Holocaust!

So it doesn't matter to them that children were burned alive at Auschwitz. Or that the parents of my Jewish aunt were hiding in forests with a baby, while they were being hunted down by SS Nazis like animals, and had to eat bugs in the forest until they found the local resistance. The father of my aunt was 42 kg of weight when they linked up with the resistance, from all the hiding and running, since they gave all the remaining food and water to the baby.

This was the early life of my aunt. This is how she experienced the first moments of this world, by having to escape and hide from Nazis. All of this because the Germans had a need for "Law & Order" and a sense for justice due to unfair Treaty of Versailles effects.

And instead of blaming the ones responsible for the Treaty of Versailles, they were hunting down an innocent family of violinists and a small baby in a forest. This is where this "Law & Order" mentality leads to, eventually.


So I am telling you, this thirst for irrational justice will only lead to unimaginable tyranny and atrocities, just like what the Nazis did. You can't enforce 1,000,000 laws, and if you do, then that is the definition tyranny.

So what you need to do is to abolish all of these stupid laws, and only keep the ones against violence: the natural laws. All other laws will just lead to tyranny eventually.

And this mentality always comes from child abuse. The Nazis knew this, that is why they were basically molesting Hitler Youth kids from early age to make them devout Nazi followers. Hitler himself was basically a pedophile and coprophile who molested her niece regularly, and who knows what else he did.

So it is the child abuse that makes people either criminals or tyrants, as they seek to punish the entire society for what was done to hem. And this goes on and on, until people stop this.

It is really the job of parents to really provide a healthy environment for kids and to not let them being abused in any way. This includes schools, bullies, pedophile priests, Nazi thugs throwing flashbang grenades on them, or other vicious thugs shooting kids, and so on...


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