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RE: Civil Rights: "Fairness" Fascism

in #government8 years ago

Good job completely misrepresenting what I say. No, you don't have to find your own solutions. The point is that in a free society there will be MILLIONS of different solutions from different people, many of them better than mine would be. What we do NOT need is a new centralized "master plan." A great example of what we DON'T need is the hi-tech communistic BS spewed by people like Jacques Fresco with his "Venus Project." People need to grow up and stop looking for one person, or one group, to design society. The "chaos" of UNcontrolled society leads to actual spontaneous order; the attempt to control and manage leads to a gigantic mess.


This has been your patent response, you really don't take even the slightest criticism well.
So sensitive to your words being judged. No @larkenrose you are right, you are always right, sorry to have offended you with my narrow minded comment.

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