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RE: Anything But Trump

in #government8 years ago

Anyone but Hillary

  1. Policy - NeoCon War Hawk - voted for every war she could as Senator, The Libya Bombing her idea - which lead to Obama saying it was his biggest mistake in office. Support of NDAA Obama's -drone strikes authorized on US citizens. Not to mention open boarders and supply enemies with arms i.e. Saudi Arabia who support ISIS.
  2. Integrity - Had 2 separate FBI criminal investigations on her name another presidential candidate who had that. Constant scandal surrounds her, FBI said she lied under oath. Public and Private stances on issues.
  3. The Two Hilary's -Public - No TPP, Big Banks Bad, Obama Care Great, I love women and gays. Private - TPP gold standard, Big Banks Give me money and I don't care, Obama care we knew it would tank so I could bring back failed Hillary care, I don't pay women the same at my foundation or in my campaign and I'll take foreign money from country's that suppress women and kill gays for being gay.
  4. Responsibility - I'll hook up a private server so 5 different countries can hack in. I'll let my maid print out classified documents.
  5. Freedom - I'll rig the democratic primary and give people the illusion that their vote matters(Free and Fair elections). I'll get so many people in the media to write stories about me that are great (and I can edit) Freedom of the press.
  6. Divisiveness - Trump Supporters are irredeemable. I hate Catholics, needy Latinos, super predators young black men and don't forget I evolved to same sex marriage in 2013.
  7. Hillary supporters- Paid to incite violence at Trump rallies.
    Please Anyone but This

You've done a great job repeating the bullshit talking points the Trump campaign has fed you.

You'll be thrilled when Trump throws you in Guantamamo without trial right?

And you've done a a great job at spouting the CNN Line. Everything I'm talking about has come from Wikileaks old Killary's own people.

And most of what I posted was Trump himself speaking or has links to Trump himself saying things. But sure... Cnn. Lol.

That's what I did with Hillary.

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