The rule of law or the rule of whim?

in #government8 years ago

The Rule of Law or the Rule of Whim?

I was one of those fat, redheaded stepchildren who was annoying and cried a lot. No one really liked me and thankfully, it got much better. I mention this wondering if that experience made me more aware of clandestine manipulation and abuse than the average citizen. I wonder this because it is so obvious to me that the care and nurturing of the masses is not a priority for our government, the IMF, the UN, the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve Bank.

This song was penned in the early 80's. That doesn't make it irrelevant - that demonstrates how long we've been under the thumb of the criminal banker class

The biggest clue is when justices rule in favor of special interests. We've seen this with Clarence Thomas and Scalia, satan rest his black little soul - pardon the barb.
Former Justice Antonin Scalia
"Yeah, NO. Let ME tell YOU how it is ..."

So here we have Judge Valerie Caproni of the US District Court, ruling that an established CRIME is now OK under certain circumstances by certain elite world banks. And what were these banks doing that no one else can do? Oh, just price fixing the precious metals market.

Kitco News’ obtained the court document which contained the opinions of presiding Judge Valerie Caproni of the US District Court. Judge Caproni said in her opinion that the plaintiffs "plausibly allege that each of the Fixing Banks acted recklessly in creating artificial price dynamics in the gold markets around the PM Fixing."
However, the Judge dismissed all claims against global firm UBS, leaving The Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and Societe Generale still facing manipulation allegations.

If that makes no impression on you, then I strongly encourage you to learn more about finances and our economy from a few opposing sources. Listen to opposing views, don't get stuck on a thought ledge that you mistake for the one true land of the free.

Picking the nose and wearing a funny turban thing
No, no, no. Stop that! Cut the horse play and pay attention.
Remember critical thinking?

I've been here before. Like when this older student tried to convince fat, young, desperate-for-friends, underclassman, me to let him keep all of his drugs in my locker - I didn't even do drugs - yet. He was buttering me up, backed up by this beautiful, popular, senior girl, who was enthusiastically agreeing with him and urging me to comply. Almost right away I realized that this wasn't something good for me. Why else would they spend time and energy being all nice and cheerful - inclusive even, to me? It came as no surprise that once I'd firmly said no, they were finished talking and being nice to me. In a split-second I went back to being an annoying presence, nothing more. Dammit if this whole looming financial crises doesn't feel very similar to me.

Elementary school bully
"Now THIS is how you play kickball guys! Really, all the cool kids
do it! You LIKE it, cuz I LOVE IT!

Have you heard of "Negative Interest Rates?" It's a clever way of NOT saying "fee," "charge," or "amount due." The big bankers are pretty damn brash about painting pigs with fetching lipstick, and it is entirely possible that our nation's debt will become unserviceable. If it does, the bankers are likely to blame someone else for the crisis while negative interest rates become a reality, and all of us pay for the damage caused by their criminal practices that enabled them to become, or stay, richer than god.

What did Greece say when this arrangement was forced upon the citizenry - again?

See for yourself!

Currently, the national debt stands at 19.4 Trillion, and the DOD recently reporting LOSING 9.3 TRILLION. of which nothing will be done and we will be liable for the bill. Now if that isn't bullying, I don't know - screw that! I know bullying and that's fricken' bullying.

Thank goodness for Cryptocurrencies! Now how do we keep a network open? Mesh networking? Balloon and satellite networks? ICANN is with the UN now, so Americans will not be able to protest any rule changes enabling censorship. Crypto is good for We the People, so we can be assured that our government and the special interests it serves are avidly working against it, and will disrupt crypto however possible, as often as possible.

What do you think?

All photos Copyrighted Creative Commons, all usage.


The "thing" about the national debt, is that it's just a number. I've come to realize it. No one dares to come collect, and there is no onus on the government to pay it as a result.

Isn't that interesting? I think it is. Once you see it that way. That number is just a silly number that has no meaning anymore.

The obvious market manipulations of late certainly support your conclusion.

I wish I could relax by seeing it as moot. Not really my thing. Thank you for sharing though! I will keep that perspective in mind in case I can squeeze into that pair of jeans. :-)

What do I think?
I think it's crazy.
You give 'them' Waaaaay too much credit for being smart enough to manipulate people and usher in the Nude Wurld Ordur.

The whole system. (above the village level) is nukin futz.
It's insane.
Exhibit A....all of world history.

HA ha-ha-ha! Exhibit accepted! You make a strong case.

I completely agree that the whole system above the village level is nukin' futz, but I do see them, in a ham -fisted way, being up to all sorts of shenanigans. Not necessarily in tandem and definitely not in a masterful way.

I supported Sanders in the Primaries and it was crazy how effectively they shut us down. Long story short, I witnessed the news LIE about Bernie and his plans, and go completely unchallenged, rules of order and due process changed ON THE FLOOR with no vote, just to block Sanders delegates from participating. In fact, right on cue, numerous Sheriff' deputies (on overtime) trotted out and blocked the stage and told everyone to leave or get arrested. Hah! Barbara Boxer even flipped us off, she was so pissed that we would not go along with her dog and pony show. Since then, I can't view our government the same way.

Barbara Boxer flipping off the Berniecrats and Sandernistas

And there are a lot of people talking and leaking information, however the numbers willing to listen and even just consider the info, are small. Most folks brush it off as impossible, citing that there would be more leaks - WHILE ignoring this leak ...

I mean it is comforting to assume that they are too stupid to pull off major conspiracies, but then there's this:
The ball next to tower 2

Regardless, people won't believe it.

I'm willing to reconsider my perspective though. Humility regarding intelligence is a valuable thing, IMHO.

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